so, aid organizations like
the international medical corps
are sending teams out into the
makeshift camps day after day,
pushing back against this
country's unfolding medical
crisis, one person at a time.
>> woodruff: finally tonight,
grading america's ability to
prevent and respond to a
terrorist attack with weapons of
mass destruction.
margaret warner has the story.
>> warner: more than eight
years after the deadly anthrax
attacks, the u.s. still isn't
prepared to protect the public
against a biological terrorist
that was the word today from
the congressionally chartered
commission on the prevention
of weapons of mass destruction
in an earlier 2008 report,
this panel warned that it was
likely that before the end of
2013, a weapon of mass
destruction would be used
somewhere in the world by
it recommended 17 steps to
counter that.