[ cheers and applause ]
why, thank you, minnie.
aren't you sweet?
we brought friends.
thank you.
appreciate that.
we're making disney memories
this week.
thank you all very much.
goofy, goofy,
i love that sailor's outfit.
you look great.
everything's shipshape!
[ laughs ]
get out of here,
you all.
oh, hi!
good to see you all.
how are you doing?
i'm doing fine.
let's do a "toss up."
what do you say?
give away some money here.
"title" is the category
for our first "toss up."
it's worth $1,000.
here we go.
[ bell chimes ]
dwight and sarah.
"beauty and the beast."
didn't waste any time.
i think
they're catching on here.
so, you're the mayos,
let's hear about you.
yes, sir --
dwight and sarah mayo
from horsham, pennsylvania,
right outside
of philadelphia.
we've been married
for nine years.