"action news" reporter annie
mccormick has details on the
samly duo now under arrest.
>> police say this baseball bat
wielding gun slinging duo seen
in surveillance video where
south philadelphia father and
south detectives released video
of the attack in 100 block of
participate ter a weeking go
day. they alleged 36-year-old
rita demato struck a kensington
man in the stomach with a bat
and as he ran her father,
62-year-old carmen demato opened
fire twice sticking the victim
once in the leg and then the two
took off to front street.
before the attack police a one
of the attackers yelled you know
what you did, you son of a
carmen member of former hall of
fame and captain of the vikings
well known in the naind and this
is him in 2010 telling "action
news" about his concerns over
vandals at a civic association
today a woman entering the home
he shares with his daughter and
around the corner from the
attack declined to comment to