dangerous for both sides.
i'm going to speak to martin
indyk the former middle east
envoy to the administration
about his fears of what could be
coming next there.
>> this week we talked about
immigration, children crossing
from the border from central
president obama has asked
congress to authorize $3.7
billion to help deal with this
will politics get in the way of
a deal here?
>> yeah.
this is in limbo.
on both sides you have issues.
republicans are more apt to work
with the administration who want
to tighten up the laws and allow
a lot of these folks, including
the children to be turned back
and sent back to where they're
coming from.
democrats i think because of
pressure on the left from
immigration reformdvocates are
less apt to do that.
getting the money the president
wants, getting the new law that
he wants, really puts him kind
of in limbo between both parties
right now.
>> a great round table to
discuss that issue.
>> we'll talk about that and
some of the...