surge in e-cigarette use.
delegate darryl barnes heads the
legislative black caucus.
the group is behind the bill
that would raise the age to buy
tobaccoroducts in many
maryland from 18 to 21.
>> i feel confident but it's
going to be a heavy lift.
it's something we're all
rallying behind to say we want
to be one of the seven states to
raise tobacco usage to the age
of r:.
>> reporte the u.s. surgeon
general calls e-cigarette use an
ypidemic among young people and
it's o getting worse.
laura hale is with the american
heart association.
>> to go to the bathroom to use
the products, as well as
sneaking it in class.te
>> repor a coalition of
supporters plans to lobby
lawmakers to pass the
gislation this year.
hale says it's backed by young
people who haveeen their
classmates struggle.
>> their peers who are becoming
cted to these products and
just can't quit no matter how
much they want to.or
>> repr: supporters say it's
failed in years passed when
there wa oppositiorom the