and we also provided the court
with burke v state, 475
southern 2nd, 252, 1985 case.
it's our assertion the hamill
case is similar in that touches
on the aspects that are present
in this case as well.
however, the double jeopardy
was invoked when the defendant
was convicted of five incidents
of leaving one scene, because
there were five people in
particular who were left at the
scene of an accident.
burke, on the other hand, is a
case that invokes both double
jeopardy, based on three
transactions of three altered
bills and the convictions were
charged separately.
however, because they are found
to be one act, double jeopardy
was violated in this case.
your honor, in order to avoid
an illegal sentence, we request
the court sentence miss anthony
for one count of providing
false information to a law
enforcement officer.
>> okay.
as they deal with some of those
legal issues there, we are