fellow ranger six years ago.
gary smith murdered michael
mcqueen in their gaithersburg
apartment in 2006.
smith claims mcqueen killed
a jury convicted smith of
second-degree murder but that
was thrown out in 2011.
smith's attorney wants to use a
lie director test -- --
detector test as evidence of
his innocence.
>>> a positive step out of
tragedy in northwest.
new street lights went on
wednesday in the sherman circle
two years ago catholic
university grad student was
killed there in a robbery and
it drew immediate calls from
neighbors about getting better
lighting in the area and
finally they got their results
they wanted last night.
>>> montgomery county honored
five of its olympians
god medalist swimmer katie
ledecky thanked everyone for
their support.
>> i started out swimming here
and i always have been swimming
in montgomery county.
so i really appreciate all of
your support and thanks for
having us here today.