[male commentator] come on, get outta here!
hi. i'm kurt suzuki, catcher for the oakland a's.
this is my wife renee
and these are our friends
who are among the over 26 million americans
who suffer from kidney disease.
make a difference in their lives
and join us in the fight against the kidney disease fsgs
and nephrotic syndrome.
this is my sister tricia.
you may not know it by looking at her,
but she has suffered from fsgs
since she was eight years old.
let's put on our rally caps
and make a difference.
1, 2, 3.
go nephcure!
nfc, afc, offensive lineman,
defensive tackles, quarterbacks
and cornerbacks are all living united.
to ensure the academic success
of millions of kids in our communities.
all the way to graduation day.
but that won't happen without you.
so take the pledge at unitedway.org.
make a difference in the life of a child.
suit up like your favorite nfl players,
and become a volunteer reader,
tutor or mentor with united way.
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