. >> your father took you to a lecture by abdul remarkman. said it was scary. >> you could see, it was given in arabic, and i could only under a few words that, he spoke with a fiery passion, to say the least. >> what do you want people to know. the son of a terrorist, is that the way you've been identified all your life? >> in many ways, yes. it took a long time for me to step out of that, you know, monicker myself. what i hope that people take away is no matter where you come from, no matter what hardships you face, nothing stays the same. things change, and you have a choice in what direction you take. >> when did you decide that what your father was telling you was not true? >> one of the first examples was i was bullied badly in school growing up. i became involved in programs that tried to promote the anti-youth violence initiatives in schools, and that sort of thing, and i was at the national youth convention, working with a bunch of young people in that effort. and about three days into it i realised that one of the kids i was close w