streaming, less volatility, akamai. >> i'm glad you're transparent. >> scott, i wasn't coming at you, brother. >> it's all good. >> okay. >> let's do some final trades. i know you don't have a final trade. leave us with a quick final thought. >> you know, i just think you should just trust markets long-term. >> okay, that's fair amy raskin, nice to see you again. what do you have >> impinge the ticker's pi. it's a $750 million market cap company. ultimatery high frequency rfid, really interesting technology. stock's done really well this year so far, but there's a lot more to go i like it a lot. >> jen. >> cme group we'll have bitcoin on the cme and i feel exchanges are a great way to play the financial sector they're cutting edge and they're thinking about what's going to be a hit the next 12 to 18 months. >> you want to comment, mr. bitcoin? >> i think cme's going to be an important sort of pathway back towards institutions getting bitcoin, so it could be quite a big deal. >> 100,000, is that what you said for bitcoin >> i don't actually have any more price levels for bitcoin, but -