included politician volkerberg, a member of the greens in the bundestag, or representatives of the amadeo that is , many of them or even almost all belong to left-green success. these people are politically fighting against agg and trying to ban the party through this association. of course this institution is not without bias, it was founded by the reds and the greens. that is, it is political institute, we translate into understandable russian research banal orders in order to untie the hands of the scholzia and the head of the foreign ministry. at the same time, the report of the institute came out at the very moment when the dg received record numbers in matters of public opinion. and now, a week later, the social democrats came up with a demand to ban the party, especially to the thuringians, where a member of the alternative won the local elections, the head of the german ministry of internal affairs, nancy feiser, launched the process of banning the party, an alternative for germany, it is based on departmental reports claiming that the party is extremist and threatens the constitu