you know not to have an advertisement the military association of atheism freethinkers american humanist association the internationally missed an ethical union the american ethical union the society for humanistic judaism these are all organized groups that have come together and are trying to build communities communities of values to help people not only to know that how not only to know the facts and the values of humanism but also to live communities in an atheistic lifestyle even if they don't necessarily label themselves that humanism or agree with every single thing they can come together and say we only under you know we understand the world through the lens of science we care very much about humanity and the advancement of humanity and we are going to build these organizations not in a hierarchical a dogmatic way but in a loving caring and compassionate way and those communities are out there so when you go out and look at the look for those communities you will find them if you if you just look around for a few minutes communities and even atheist communities meetup dot com or google or o