angela merckle, the chancellor of germany, everytime the greek greeks come and say we need more money, angela merckle understands that a basic level the problem in greece is not the finances but the greek people and that's the problem with the united states and most other western countries, too. you saw it, for example, in the riots in london last summer, which actually prefigured in "after america." i don't climb be a genius but my chapter on britain called "the deapproved city" which is an eerily prescient portrait of what happened a few weeks later when the riots broke out in london, which people claimed to be attacking the rich. and by the rich they meant the guy, often an immigrant guy, o. a hindu or muslim, who gets up in the morning and goes to work and opens the corner store and stands there at 6:00 in the morning and works that store until 9:00 in the evening -- these guys trashed those stores, they smashed them, the rampaged through them and set them alite, and when they said they were, quote, the rich, unquote, they didn't mean they were rich. they're not rich in any kind o