this woman is ramming her c c through the parking lot of an apartment building, and you see she took out those cars, and continues to drive. [ bleep ] [ speaking in foreign language ] >> people in the parking lot see all of this going down, and they pstart to approach the car, cell phone in hand, to get it all on camera. and i think they're just as confused as all of us are at first. these folks decide enough is enough. as they approach the car, you see she's on her cell phone. they're like, hey, calm down. we got you on camera, stop. here's where she flips them the bird, and then s takes off driving again. that she was intoxicated, because this just continues. >> with all the refusing of the engine, it's almost like someone is driving a manual that's never driven a manual, not understanding how it works. >> this is pretty reckless. she takes off again after hitting the blue car. you see the scratch on the bumper. >> how did they not force her to stop driving. >> i'm with you. i would be doing something, tearing the door open. >> it does escalate to that point, because in total, she