. >> ben ikeenburg, john palmroy, m att richardson. >> hello. i'm ben ike en burg on behalf of san francisco bay keeper and more than 5 thousand members who use san francisco bay and urge you to support the state water boards sed and compromise 40 percent proposition. i think a lot of the commenters that have gone before me have covered a lot of the reasons why this commission should support the greater flows of the river and health of the bay delta eco system but i want to make a few quick points. the bay area demonstrated it can thrirfb under drought condition squz one thing that isn't coved so far is the most successful environmental conservation in the country regulatory conservation in thecountry has come through innovation forcing regulations. i think what you see in the bay area is innovative tech companies and people here who come up with solutions to these problems and if you limit supply then you'll see great innovation and people come up with amazing solutions and that is some place where the sfpu c can take a leadership role. the oth