have you to let them hear the first time awooo. [laughter] ago as we first started our practice and we're so lucky we get to see the benefits of better hearing. and we really hoped we could find a way to ship help share tt with more and more people. we know it can be a hard thing with some families especially this time of the year with holidays. we always try to time it here before the holidays so people by christmas time, really would be able to have that first christmas hearing their family better and just having better communication in general. people can submit either online or write to you we're going to share the information in a second. they just share a little bit about their story and why either they or someone in their lives needs the gift of hearing. >> absolutely. this year on our website we have an icon and it is called gift of hearing it's little gift watched up. if you press on that it will take you to a submission page. it will go through information about you and you could write really your essay or the reasons you