Apr 2, 2012
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eliminates the sequester, and replaces it with $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction by taking thissel baaed approach. now, at the end of this year, under current law, as i said, all the tax cuts expire. and that's about $5 trillion compared to current policy. >> right. >> so you have the ingredients for a deal that could take a balanced approach along the lines of various bipartisan commissions. the question is whether or not in that short period of time, after the election, congress would be able to deal with that. or whether you would really have to have that spill over into the first couple months of the new administration. i think that if you don't get the -- a longer-term agreement during that period of time of the lame duck session, which would be difficult if tax reform is a part of this equation, that you're talking more likely having to address this in the early months of the next administration. although, you know, again, we would all -- just to be clear. we would all like to do this sooner rather than later. but that ability to get the balanced approach is has so far escaped us.
eliminates the sequester, and replaces it with $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction by taking thissel baaed approach. now, at the end of this year, under current law, as i said, all the tax cuts expire. and that's about $5 trillion compared to current policy. >> right. >> so you have the ingredients for a deal that could take a balanced approach along the lines of various bipartisan commissions. the question is whether or not in that short period of time, after the election, congress...
Apr 5, 2012
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on the u-s-a &pthe 50th anniversary of the film's release.the film is baaed on the pulitzer prrze-winning novel by harper lee.it staas gregory eck as whiteesouthern lawyer atticus finch... who defends a black man wrongfully accused oo rape. aanew studd out of chhna... finds more reasons to eat those veggies!research finds that eatinggbroccoli, cauliflower, arugula, collard greens and other vegetables inn the cabbage family... may improve your odds of breast cancer surviial.previous studies have shownna higher intake of these vegetables an reduce the risk oo developing breast cancer... but thhs is the first study to examine women aftee a breast cancer diagnnsis. this year, u.s. residentss will consume 120 million pounds of easter candy confectioners association. and mary sue candies in baltimore is providing plenty of itt it. joel d. smith is live there noo as thhy prepare for the easter bunny, and all of his "hhlpers". good 3 3 3 3 poliie are called to an say a female guest got violent. violent. itnessesssay it all started when she wanted &ptoodance with the groom. 36-year old brooke burk
on the u-s-a &pthe 50th anniversary of the film's release.the film is baaed on the pulitzer prrze-winning novel by harper lee.it staas gregory eck as whiteesouthern lawyer atticus finch... who defends a black man wrongfully accused oo rape. aanew studd out of chhna... finds more reasons to eat those veggies!research finds that eatinggbroccoli, cauliflower, arugula, collard greens and other vegetables inn the cabbage family... may improve your odds of breast cancer surviial.previous studies...
Apr 12, 2012
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bben polved in tennminutes, instead, we looked very disfunccionaa, it was bad for the taxpayers, it's baaiiens hat we have to where we talk about gammlinn or other taxes or things like that." 3&and still no word on when... governor o'malley...plans to convene...a special session. lawmakers hhpe...it won't... be... any later...than may. that's because...the new most counties...takestakes effect... july first.john rydell, fox 45 newsat 5:30. whill.../ state lawmakers...// won't... get paid...// to... return... o annapolis.../ special session... will stilll.. cost... more. the.../ department... of legislative services.../ says...// ááaáá special about.../ 21-thousand... dollars a day...//.áámostáá of... that moneyy ../ p reimburses.../ lawmakers... for.../ meals and hotels. for the sixth straiggt day... gaa prices havv fallen at the p. pump.according to triple a fuel gage reprot dot com, the national average forr gallon of regulaa is 3 dollaas and 91 . have dipped below the 4 dollar mark... drivers are shelling out an average of 3 dollars pnd 98 cents. cents.and in baltimore it will cost you
bben polved in tennminutes, instead, we looked very disfunccionaa, it was bad for the taxpayers, it's baaiiens hat we have to where we talk about gammlinn or other taxes or things like that." 3&and still no word on when... governor o'malley...plans to convene...a special session. lawmakers hhpe...it won't... be... any later...than may. that's because...the new most counties...takestakes effect... july first.john rydell, fox 45 newsat 5:30. whill.../ state lawmakers...// won't... get...
Apr 17, 2012
eye 401
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released ...on the baa...//.the... ggade given... to the nation's largest estuary. i'm jeff barnd. barnd.and i'm jennifer gilbert tonight, grand prix racing in futuue. joy lepola ... talks... with... maaor stephanie rawlings-blake... and asks ...point blank..../ is... the race.../ "a... go".../ this... labor day. we know meetings were tookk place aa city hall yesterdayy regarding the relationship between partners who make up downforce racing... that's the group that took over the race following last year's fiasco. there are concerns the city road.e heading down the samee - ((pkg)) it's a race that transformed ddwwtown baltimore over labor day weekend. thoussnds of racing fans filled city streets as formula one carsssped by. in the months that followed, the group that organized the event faced financial problees. downforce problems. downforce racing.... stepppd forward. thh hope that the turmoil would end. partners of downforce racing being at oddd.(mayor) 10:51:47 do you have any concernn at this point? were concerned that it move forward but indy is stepping up and we know it's go
released ...on the baa...//.the... ggade given... to the nation's largest estuary. i'm jeff barnd. barnd.and i'm jennifer gilbert tonight, grand prix racing in futuue. joy lepola ... talks... with... maaor stephanie rawlings-blake... and asks ...point blank..../ is... the race.../ "a... go".../ this... labor day. we know meetings were tookk place aa city hall yesterdayy regarding the relationship between partners who make up downforce racing... that's the group that took over the race...
Apr 18, 2012
eye 259
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wallet is wiilinggto take.8:33:13 nikki &p" i think you'd ave to decid what you'd wwnt to pay for &pthis baautt to 8:32:20 nikki "it would bb a good size and fit ffr the things that i have"(((tag))) hotdog rollpack, log on to fox links. 3 cllaring up the aftermath from the weekend twisttrs. twisters.tte group surveying the damageeand helping those in need. 3 --addlii weather tz-- i wish i could keep it this way. let me show you something. [ dr. rahmany ] even after a dental cleaning... plaque quickly starts to grow back... but new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste can help. it not only reduces plaque... it's also clinically proven... to help keep plaque from coming back. plus, it works in these other areas dentists check most. so now when you leave the dental office, you can keep a cleaner mouth with you. new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste. life opens up when you do. for.../ the... first time.../ since p..saturray night's.../ eadly tornaddes, .../ áávolunteersáá the... moot heavily damaged - aaeas... of wichita, kansas. ---nats of cllan up-- up--the uni
wallet is wiilinggto take.8:33:13 nikki &p" i think you'd ave to decid what you'd wwnt to pay for &pthis baautt to 8:32:20 nikki "it would bb a good size and fit ffr the things that i have"(((tag))) hotdog rollpack, log on to fox links. 3 cllaring up the aftermath from the weekend twisttrs. twisters.tte group surveying the damageeand helping those in need. 3 --addlii weather tz-- i wish i could keep it this way. let me show you something. [ dr. rahmany ] even after a...
Apr 17, 2012
eye 212
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report. maas-695liberty- back to maps-fibee- a new repprt indicates the health of the chesaaeake baaives the chesapeake bay a "ddplus" for the ealth of thh nation's larggst estuary.scientist believe weather-related evvnts includingga wet spring, dry ssmmer and two deviitaaing "we're really concerned about that, but we optomistic about the stuff thats goinn on. treatment...we are ccusiously optimistic that we will ee this improve" immrove"this was the second straight year the overall heaath declined. last year the bayywas given a "c minus". to read the full report, you can find a link to our website. just go to foxbaltimore dot com and click undee newslinks. a piece of history...maaes its lanning.the... shuttle discovery's... new... restinggplace../ mission. 3 i guess nobody ttokkhim serious enough to actually state of iitoxication."of his intoxication." onvenience store hold upptheeunusal item inside tte store the culprit ussd as a weapon. governmeet servicc hill..the tough uestions they 3 --adblib weather tz-- ss.- i should be arrested for crimes against potted plant-kind. [ clang ]
report. maas-695liberty- back to maps-fibee- a new repprt indicates the health of the chesaaeake baaives the chesapeake bay a "ddplus" for the ealth of thh nation's larggst estuary.scientist believe weather-related evvnts includingga wet spring, dry ssmmer and two deviitaaing "we're really concerned about that, but we optomistic about the stuff thats goinn on. treatment...we are ccusiously optimistic that we will ee this improve" immrove"this was the second straight...
Apr 25, 2012
eye 181
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baa.f my managers with a batt" "he just started flipping out and he left and came back, started beating the manager who accidentally skipped over him with a bat." this... is... surveillance video.../ and... fresh ...911 tapes ...from this bizarre melt-- down.../ in... florida.../. áátheáá say... he used his shirt... on the knob .../ to... cover his prints...// áátheyáá didn't... get a great look ...at his facc...//. ááhe'sáá still at largg... tonight.../. áátheáá manager... hit... by,,, the../ mcdonald's... customer...// will make... a full recovery. aa.. beating of a woman ... byy,.. a... utah ...highway patrol officer... ááthisáá is... ..// dashcam vidio... of the beating.../ from august....2010.,,,.///. ááyouáá can see,,,/ áásggáá andrew davvnport.../ punching... a female driver... in the face... repeatedly.../ wiih a closed fist.../. áátheáá departmentt ruled.../ it was... excessive force...//. ááafterááá almost... two yearss.. of... legal wrangling,../. áátheáá police board... / uphel
baa.f my managers with a batt" "he just started flipping out and he left and came back, started beating the manager who accidentally skipped over him with a bat." this... is... surveillance video.../ and... fresh ...911 tapes ...from this bizarre melt-- down.../ in... florida.../. áátheáá say... he used his shirt... on the knob .../ to... cover his prints...// áátheyáá didn't... get a great look ...at his facc...//. ááhe'sáá still at largg... tonight.../. áátheáá...
Apr 28, 2012
eye 1,034
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stood attthe internntionallterminal at bwi airport.voluuteers use their own money...to make snacc baas: "it's a whole new experience for me honoring trrops, but it" honored toodo it""- "it was the bbst welcomm home i've ever gotten, i really onne again, operation welcome home is in deperate need of supplies aad voluntters. po leaan more just go to our web site fox baltimore dot com slash newslinkssjanice park fox45 news late ediiion. clear anddcool tonight tonightbut we'll hhve to be ready for some rain this &pweekennemily gracey is here with your first loookat your skywatch forecast... emily? emily? &p mayor rrwlings-blake joinedd the department of recreation and pprks o celebraaeethe grand ooening of a new gym in west balttmooe.the edgewood lyndhuust ggmnasium on allendale street.. is dedicated to four grannmothers... margaret pracy, jacquiline willltt and dolly jefferson. 3 cute idea to send the hottest - girl in the ccuntry come to washington d-c. d-ccyes... that's the guy in charge of girls gooe wild"the intership... he thought he bought...coming uppon the late editton bbt next...
stood attthe internntionallterminal at bwi airport.voluuteers use their own money...to make snacc baas: "it's a whole new experience for me honoring trrops, but it" honored toodo it""- "it was the bbst welcomm home i've ever gotten, i really onne again, operation welcome home is in deperate need of supplies aad voluntters. po leaan more just go to our web site fox baltimore dot com slash newslinkssjanice park fox45 news late ediiion. clear anddcool tonight tonightbut...
Apr 9, 2012
eye 231
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orioles-yankees highlights..and more baa nnws for the new orleans saints.... are... inseparable.../ ááaateráá the piglet... was brought into the vet.../ after ...falling off... a... livestock truck. truck.the annmal had a concussion and was unconscious to.... the vet's dog "hunter" began leading her around, playing with her nd even kkeping her clean.the vet is now planning on adopting the pig... naaed "mu shu." 3 that's all for fox45 news at 5:30."family next.and we'll be back tonight ffr fox45 news at ten -- and the late edition at 11... 11...we'll see you later. later.
orioles-yankees highlights..and more baa nnws for the new orleans saints.... are... inseparable.../ ááaateráá the piglet... was brought into the vet.../ after ...falling off... a... livestock truck. truck.the annmal had a concussion and was unconscious to.... the vet's dog "hunter" began leading her around, playing with her nd even kkeping her clean.the vet is now planning on adopting the pig... naaed "mu shu." 3 that's all for fox45 news at 5:30."family next.and...
Apr 27, 2012
eye 311
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apple fat, and 6 graas fiber) we are giving away fat, and 6 grams iber)(125 calorres, grams huge, baaedslice is 344 calories, 14 bad boy: apple pie (1 fries (160 callries, 0 speedy bakee potato good guy: skknnn, (500 caloriee, 255 grams side dishfat, all natural) &pnatural)chip skinny muffin to good guy: chocolate grams fat) muffin (600 calories, 24 bad boy: chocooate chippsattsfiedd still feel 3) how can e avoid?culprits we shoulddavoid? 3) how can we substitute foods that are good for us and still feel satisffed? saaisfied? breakfastbad boy: chocolate grams fat)chip skinny muffin natural)side ish(500 calooies, 0 grams fat))(160 fat)..nackgramssffa). fat).snackbad boy: apppe pie (1 slice is 340 calories, 14 (125 calories, 0 grams fat, we are giving away tickets to see tyler pprry right heee in explosion)))lus... an on)))- explosion rocks a fast food caught on ccmera. t's all - &p you're watching fox 35 good day baltimore. aamcdonald's driie-thhu fire.a truckkwaittng in then eeplooes. ((sirens... explosion)) i was paying too much with cable. paying so much, you want better quality. for
apple fat, and 6 graas fiber) we are giving away fat, and 6 grams iber)(125 calorres, grams huge, baaedslice is 344 calories, 14 bad boy: apple pie (1 fries (160 callries, 0 speedy bakee potato good guy: skknnn, (500 caloriee, 255 grams side dishfat, all natural) &pnatural)chip skinny muffin to good guy: chocolate grams fat) muffin (600 calories, 24 bad boy: chocooate chippsattsfiedd still feel 3) how can e avoid?culprits we shoulddavoid? 3) how can we substitute foods that are good for us...
Apr 6, 2012
eye 185
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it's because that 6-foot-3 decision and a baa judgment when he decideddto smmck ssmebody in the face and break their nose, jump on them and ground and in doing that, put him in reasonable fear for his safety. he was absolutely entitled o defend himself and phat's why trayvon martin is dead, not because of raciil meanwhile, protesters gathered at the florida state capitol wednesday demanding justicee for martin. they're calling on lawmakers to review the state's stand your ground laa, which allows a person to defend themselvvs when threatened with lethal force. the retrial continued today against the two twin brothers charged with animal cruelly. travers and treeayne johnson are accused of setting aa pitbull on fire.the dog had to be euthanizzd.one witness who is friends of the defendant refused to testify on tuesday. yesterday, another gave conflicting accounts of what he saw the day the dog wws &pburned.testimony ill resume on tuesday. &pand another pitbull makes a remarkable recoveryy blaccie was brought to the baltimore animal rescue center ten days ago after he was found nearr de
it's because that 6-foot-3 decision and a baa judgment when he decideddto smmck ssmebody in the face and break their nose, jump on them and ground and in doing that, put him in reasonable fear for his safety. he was absolutely entitled o defend himself and phat's why trayvon martin is dead, not because of raciil meanwhile, protesters gathered at the florida state capitol wednesday demanding justicee for martin. they're calling on lawmakers to review the state's stand your ground laa, which...
Apr 24, 2012
eye 253
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baa was ordered to sell an airport as part of its drive to lessen its grip on the sector. >> this is "newsday." >> share prices have fallen around the world, following fierce of a new eurozone debt crisis and political instability in france and the netherlands. >> the united nations have sworn there can be no military solution to the problems facing sudan and south sudan. newlyweds in india are being offered a cash incentive that they delay having children. the government will hand over 500 ruby, nearly 10 u.s. dollars, if they do not start a family in the first two years of their marriage. joining me now is the executive director of the population foundation of india. thank you so much for joining us. what is the reasoning behind the scenes for delaying having children? >> there are several reasons. the first is that there is a huge unmet need for contraception that women have in india. much of the focus has been on more permanent methods, like sterilization. there is evidence in india based on government and the realizations of government that family planning acceptance has decline
baa was ordered to sell an airport as part of its drive to lessen its grip on the sector. >> this is "newsday." >> share prices have fallen around the world, following fierce of a new eurozone debt crisis and political instability in france and the netherlands. >> the united nations have sworn there can be no military solution to the problems facing sudan and south sudan. newlyweds in india are being offered a cash incentive that they delay having children. the...
Apr 29, 2012
eye 155
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baa sh thanks for all of you being part of my program this week.ello. i'm alison kosik with a check of our top stories. some breaking news out of new york now. a van packed with people has reportedly careened off an overpass and fell about 60 feet near the bronx zoo. multiple media reports are saying as many as seven people have been killed. "the new york times" is reporting that three of the dead are children. we're going to have a live report from the scene just ahead. >>> fighter jets from sudan attacking military units across the border in south sudan. soldiers and this tv news crew ran for cover during the air strikes. several south sudanese troops were hurt. south sudan split from sudan last year after a long civil war. the two nations are still at odds over where the border should be and how to share oil production. >>> house speaker john boehner is accusing president obama of diminishing the presidency by instigating what he calls fake fights. the ohio republican says that the president's support for things like a millionaire's tax is just
baa sh thanks for all of you being part of my program this week.ello. i'm alison kosik with a check of our top stories. some breaking news out of new york now. a van packed with people has reportedly careened off an overpass and fell about 60 feet near the bronx zoo. multiple media reports are saying as many as seven people have been killed. "the new york times" is reporting that three of the dead are children. we're going to have a live report from the scene just ahead. >>>...
Apr 29, 2012
eye 221
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baa sh thanks for all of you being part of my program this week.ello. i'm alison kosik with a check of our top stories. some breaking news out of new york now. a van packed with people has reportedly careened off an overpass and fell about 60 feet near the bronx zoo. multiple media reports are saying as many as seven people have been killed. "the new york times" is reporting that three of the dead are children. we're going to have a live report from the scene just ahead. >>> fighter jets from sudan attacking military units across the border in south sudan. soldiers and this tv news crew ran for cover during the air strikes. several south sudanese
baa sh thanks for all of you being part of my program this week.ello. i'm alison kosik with a check of our top stories. some breaking news out of new york now. a van packed with people has reportedly careened off an overpass and fell about 60 feet near the bronx zoo. multiple media reports are saying as many as seven people have been killed. "the new york times" is reporting that three of the dead are children. we're going to have a live report from the scene just ahead. >>>...
Apr 24, 2012
eye 348
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the operator baa was ordered to sell at all airports as part of its drive to loosen its grip on the sector. >> this is newsday on the bbc. i'm in singapore. >> i'm in london. share prices have fallen by around the world following fears of a renewed eurozone debt crisis and political instability in france and benevolence. >> sudan's president has said he will not negotiate with south sudan about the ongoing border clashes. >> the ink was has started into the death of the british intelligence officer, gary williams. his body was discovered have locked inside a bag at his home in london in 2010. the coroner has ruled that none of the evidence will be held in secret. >> garecht williams, a brilliant mathematician who graduated at 17, and went to work at gchq before working for a mi. but in 2010 he was found dead in his slot under the most unusual circumstances. after he was found missing, police entered his flat. they described passing a woman's weight hanging on a chair before entering the path from where he found a large padlocked red sports bag. when he lifted it, red liquid emerged and he
the operator baa was ordered to sell at all airports as part of its drive to loosen its grip on the sector. >> this is newsday on the bbc. i'm in singapore. >> i'm in london. share prices have fallen by around the world following fears of a renewed eurozone debt crisis and political instability in france and benevolence. >> sudan's president has said he will not negotiate with south sudan about the ongoing border clashes. >> the ink was has started into the death of the...
Apr 2, 2012
eye 89
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baa. might be a trademark issue but certainly effective. >> keep us posted, kayla. thanks. >>> time now for the bond report. rick santelli is tracking all the action at the cme group. hey, rick. >> hi, tyler. indeed welcoming the first quarter as steve liesman was doing with his spot just moments ago. everybody is trying to handicap their strategy for trade the next month as they try to put all the pieces together with data as to assess how first quarter gdp will look. that will of course be the last week of the month. if you look at an intraday 24-hour chart actually of 10-year note yields, you can see they're down a bit. keep in mind here we are at 2.18. the high water mark for march post march 13th meeting was 2.38. we're down about 20 basis point. look at a 24-hour chart for the bund. they're down a little more. high yield water mark for march was a close at 2.05. take away 25 basis points. up rather large close to a third of a percent. look at dollar versus canada, you can see it's ge
baa. might be a trademark issue but certainly effective. >> keep us posted, kayla. thanks. >>> time now for the bond report. rick santelli is tracking all the action at the cme group. hey, rick. >> hi, tyler. indeed welcoming the first quarter as steve liesman was doing with his spot just moments ago. everybody is trying to handicap their strategy for trade the next month as they try to put all the pieces together with data as to assess how first quarter gdp will look. that...
Apr 27, 2012
eye 378
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may have been strangleddand carreid out of the apartmeet - in a large baa or connainer.the iming of johnson's arrest -3is now undee scrutiny. his attorney believes there could be a connection etteee tte arrrst... and a recent rooe into the conduct of the detectivv who lld the investigation innthe barnes case. ity state'' pttorney gregg bernstein faced quessions about that detecttve thursday... and said it oo't be an issue. but &pjohnson'ssattorneyyhas nicholsonn.. the llad investigator in the case. picholson was suspended this week amid allegations he misssed his police powers to search for his daughter, whh briefly went missinn ast week. now... johnson's attorney ays he believes his client's arresttwas triggered by the recent probe into nicholson. observees say the detective's credibility could end up being an issue. 3 (allen) "for instancc, if there's dna evidence or therr's other forennic eeidence, well under those circumstanccs, the crediiility of the lead investigator is nnt as important. soo you have to see wwat the evidence is." is.. 3 nicholssn's daughter was fou
may have been strangleddand carreid out of the apartmeet - in a large baa or connainer.the iming of johnson's arrest -3is now undee scrutiny. his attorney believes there could be a connection etteee tte arrrst... and a recent rooe into the conduct of the detectivv who lld the investigation innthe barnes case. ity state'' pttorney gregg bernstein faced quessions about that detecttve thursday... and said it oo't be an issue. but &pjohnson'ssattorneyyhas nicholsonn.. the llad investigator in...
Apr 29, 2012
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. >> mitt romney saying a couple of years baaing we shouldn't be sending a balance -- spending billionso catch one person referring to bin laden. you and i both know the romney camp fighting back hard on this. >> this is a missile fired at the start of the general election, the obama campaign will not be shy at all about touting president obama's accomplishments and while mitt romney's folks are saying that this is inappropriate politicizing a moment of national unity, the obama campaign doesn't care at all. >> meanwhile, rick, the romney campaign knows they trail in likability when it comes to this president and making the argument again this weekend that this election will not be about who is liked most but about the economy, in dpakt, look at this. this ifrfrom the rnc, an ad called "the tale of two leaders." mitt romney making a speech on the economy, the president on late night. they're hoping voters are going to put who they like on the back burner. >> yeah, that's right. fair to say that mitt romney will never be slow jamming the news. they hope to soften his image a little bit,
. >> mitt romney saying a couple of years baaing we shouldn't be sending a balance -- spending billionso catch one person referring to bin laden. you and i both know the romney camp fighting back hard on this. >> this is a missile fired at the start of the general election, the obama campaign will not be shy at all about touting president obama's accomplishments and while mitt romney's folks are saying that this is inappropriate politicizing a moment of national unity, the obama...
Apr 8, 2012
eye 308
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since then.george heffner is 5-feet 8-iiches tall and weighs 250 you can hell put george hefner behind baas you have any information.. call our hotline at 410-633-8970. we'll be back next saturday with more susppcts.. and another spin of the wheel of justice. tte man who attempted to blow up a catonsvvlle recruiting center. is starting aa 5-year prrson sentence tonight. police arrested antonio maatinez almost 15-months ago whhn they found a fake bomb planted in a vehicce and parked at a cattnsville recruiting center. fbi anti-govvrnment writings his - online..... and on friddy, a federal judgg sentenced him to 25-years in prison.... martinez told the judge his views and his behavior have chaaged. (19:15:58) (martinez) "mr. martinez ade reference to his strong faith in islam and indicatee the type of activity involved in this case did not reflect his feelings at this timeeand its important to realize those innividuall who aavance that type of violen" violence." prosecutors, on the other hand, showed the jjdge a banner and other itemm seized from the defendaats jail cell.... proof, has strong
since then.george heffner is 5-feet 8-iiches tall and weighs 250 you can hell put george hefner behind baas you have any information.. call our hotline at 410-633-8970. we'll be back next saturday with more susppcts.. and another spin of the wheel of justice. tte man who attempted to blow up a catonsvvlle recruiting center. is starting aa 5-year prrson sentence tonight. police arrested antonio maatinez almost 15-months ago whhn they found a fake bomb planted in a vehicce and parked at a...
eye 178
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we'll baa back at 11:00. -- we'll be back at 11:00. >> thanks for watching. don't go away.head on the cbs evening news ,, >> pelley: tonight, america's doctors say we're getting too much doctoring. a new report says one-third of medical spending is wasted on procedures we don't need. doctor jon lapook tells us which ones. more life-saving cancer drugs in america turn out to be fakes. armen keteyian traces the source of the fraud. they feared the worst-- jeff glor on how lives were saved in the dallas-fort worth tornadoes. and she may be the best women's basketball player ever, leading the lady bears to make history. michelle miller has her story. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. health care makes up 17% of the entire u.s. economy, and there's an estimate that one-third of what we spend is wasted. $700 billion thrown's on unnecessary tests and procedures. today, some of the mo
we'll baa back at 11:00. -- we'll be back at 11:00. >> thanks for watching. don't go away.head on the cbs evening news ,, >> pelley: tonight, america's doctors say we're getting too much doctoring. a new report says one-third of medical spending is wasted on procedures we don't need. doctor jon lapook tells us which ones. more life-saving cancer drugs in america turn out to be fakes. armen keteyian traces the source of the fraud. they feared the worst-- jeff glor on how lives were...
Apr 25, 2012
eye 278
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./ lastii baas... of cocaine...///.áátheáá drugs .../ of.../ p at... a... baltimore county.../ bookstore.../ are.../ shut--down tonnght...//. ááaáá judge .../ ruled... they're in violation.../ off.. a... new.... zonnng law. law.... jeff abell.../ live.../ in... phlethorppetonighht../ where,.../ it... appears,.../ áátheáá jeff... the adult films have been rolling at this store for the past 13-years..... ut tonight, thhy've pulled the plug on the peeppshows... shows... (15:04:44) "its the bigg scar on the neighborhood...." &p neighbors havv pent year &pattempting to expose the dirt trutt behind the store.....with a little mmre. (15:00:38) "there were holes drilled in the walls that were used to have sex....." thess are the picturee neighbors took inside the looecraft store which sells adult videos....and until recently....showed adull videos....nside 16 of these rivate video booths. (15:03:10) "it was open 24-hours a ay and it was quite buzzing with activity...." but neighbors long complainee thaa the actton inside as spilling outside...... (15:
./ lastii baas... of cocaine...///.áátheáá drugs .../ of.../ p at... a... baltimore county.../ bookstore.../ are.../ shut--down tonnght...//. ááaáá judge .../ ruled... they're in violation.../ off.. a... new.... zonnng law. law.... jeff abell.../ live.../ in... phlethorppetonighht../ where,.../ it... appears,.../ áátheáá jeff... the adult films have been rolling at this store for the past 13-years..... ut tonight, thhy've pulled the plug on the peeppshows... shows... (15:04:44)...
Apr 12, 2012
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for a full half h bay area o baa sports cover, on comcast sports bay area. >> we'll be right back. >>00 news coming up with brent cannon. >> tonight north korea on the verge of launching a rocket. why the u.s. and many countries all around the globe are on edge. and what is being done about it. and play-off fever is back in the bay area once again. this time it's on thousands of san jose sharks fans, hope that this year is finally going to be the year they can hoist the stanley cup. the puck drops tomorrow. we'll break down that series tonight coming up on comcast 186 in just a couple minutes. we kind of got it started with our comcast friends. we'll continue that discussion coming up in a couple of minutes. >> the games are going to be on comcast in high def. nice to watch. >> see if the sharkies can make it. >> we've been saying that for ten years. this is the year. see you at evan 7:00. hope to see you back here at 11:00 as well. >> have a good night.
for a full half h bay area o baa sports cover, on comcast sports bay area. >> we'll be right back. >>00 news coming up with brent cannon. >> tonight north korea on the verge of launching a rocket. why the u.s. and many countries all around the globe are on edge. and what is being done about it. and play-off fever is back in the bay area once again. this time it's on thousands of san jose sharks fans, hope that this year is finally going to be the year they can hoist the...
Apr 20, 2012
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segment..oshua - "baltimore catching crimes and baa guys, not people who are speeding at randommplacesmore belttay is day. these aggressive rivers - have got to go! slow down, say."rene- "wwy doopeople drive sooooo slow ii the &pcenter lane eerrgggg!" eerrgggg!"barbara - "ugggggggg... men" men"kari - "why doessswiss 3 coming up in our 8 o'clock pour.. he's oming to baltimore. baltimore.bmore is a dirty city citycomedian norm pitybmore s a dirty ty 3 in thh aw of the pack... it states a cub scout gives good will and promises to help liviig up to that promise... e - by participatinn in the scouttng for food prooram. aneesh agrawal from troop 944 ccew 944 arr here with more. --wwat are you guys doiiggthis collecting? --how can we hhlp out? --where shhuld we leave it? --why is it imporrant that we all help??- coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. e's ccming to baltimore. baltimore.bbore is a dirty ciiy citycomedian norm macdonald joins us live in studio.. with a sneak peek at tonight's friday nats!!!! (not theeworst song.. use fridaa) friday)and... move over that's now being called... the 45 m
segment..oshua - "baltimore catching crimes and baa guys, not people who are speeding at randommplacesmore belttay is day. these aggressive rivers - have got to go! slow down, say."rene- "wwy doopeople drive sooooo slow ii the &pcenter lane eerrgggg!" eerrgggg!"barbara - "ugggggggg... men" men"kari - "why doessswiss 3 coming up in our 8 o'clock pour.. he's oming to baltimore. baltimore.bmore is a dirty city citycomedian norm pitybmore s a dirty...
Apr 6, 2012
eye 321
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parentss health carr ppan.ddctorrvisits dropped 4-point-7 percent betweee 2210 to 2011.. 3 get ready for a baarn... causing a boom ii -3 the number of white-footed mice... known to carry thh - ticks that carry lyme dissase. 3 5400 e're in a stuation right - now that we have a lot of hhngry ticks lookkng for the blood meal, the blood meal that they'll need this year and hat's where the concern ccmes uh on the part of peoplee &pconcerrnd about the spread of lyme ddsease 19 & 19 experts ssy the best way -3 to protect yourself s to use when outdoors... aad wear ticks aae eesier to deeeet. 3 3 there's nothing liie &popening day. especially this year as the allparr thaa changed baseball, reaches 20 years old. old. joee d. ssith is live at camden yards now assthe &pfinishing touches on some an priendly upgrades are just finiihing upp. good morning joel d..what is differeet this year? year? 3 3 3 dick'' spooting goodsssent s - gift certificates tt give away. you can use hem toopurchase some great o's gear!juut be the 10th caller ight now at dollar gifttcertificate! 3 when it comes to dinner - time...
parentss health carr ppan.ddctorrvisits dropped 4-point-7 percent betweee 2210 to 2011.. 3 get ready for a baarn... causing a boom ii -3 the number of white-footed mice... known to carry thh - ticks that carry lyme dissase. 3 5400 e're in a stuation right - now that we have a lot of hhngry ticks lookkng for the blood meal, the blood meal that they'll need this year and hat's where the concern ccmes uh on the part of peoplee &pconcerrnd about the spread of lyme ddsease 19 & 19 experts...
Apr 9, 2012
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baaing to you with a smooth-flowing peninsula. back to you. >> thank you, mike. >>> 6:49.r and daughter are dead and this morning concord police are trying to figure out what caused a teenage driver to run them down. "today in the bay" is live in concord with how the stunned community is coping. >> reporter: here is where the saturday morning bike ride turned tragic with a father and daughter. you can see the memorial of a mountain of flowers, balloons, candles, some still lit for the 41-year-old and his 9-year-old daughter. a driver jumping the curb and hitting them both. this is where many joined to remember the father and his young daughter. a second daughter, 12 years old was hit but suffered only minor injuries. now investigators are cheque phone records to see if the teen driver was on his cell phone, perhaps, distracted at the time. it is also standard for police to perform toxicology tests to rule out alcohol and/or drugs. but it could still be days, maybe a week before we learn the official cause from investigators. meantime, that 17-year-old driver is in juvenile
baaing to you with a smooth-flowing peninsula. back to you. >> thank you, mike. >>> 6:49.r and daughter are dead and this morning concord police are trying to figure out what caused a teenage driver to run them down. "today in the bay" is live in concord with how the stunned community is coping. >> reporter: here is where the saturday morning bike ride turned tragic with a father and daughter. you can see the memorial of a mountain of flowers, balloons, candles,...
Apr 8, 2012
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you know, i'm doing this for these guys baa i am highlighting them, and i'm not going to sit here and give you lip service. i'm going to show you too by giving this money back to tease guys. >> host: what was the book tour like for you? >> guest: it was fun, but at the same time, it was stressful. you're worried that there's always haters out there, and you wonder when is that hater going to come up and confront you. will they throw something at you? spit on you? fortunately, i have yet to see that, but it is emotional at times. i had some of the family members stand in line and wait to be able to get up there and sign a book with me. i love seeing the people. they come up and they are nervous because they want me to sign the book. i keep telling me, i swear, you're not as nervous as i am. i'm not good in big groups of people, and one-on-one, it's difficult for me, but i do enjoy it. i do love seeing these guys in uniform standing there in line, and, in fact, you know, the first one i did was here in dallas, and it was a rainy night. it was the night of the national championship betwe
you know, i'm doing this for these guys baa i am highlighting them, and i'm not going to sit here and give you lip service. i'm going to show you too by giving this money back to tease guys. >> host: what was the book tour like for you? >> guest: it was fun, but at the same time, it was stressful. you're worried that there's always haters out there, and you wonder when is that hater going to come up and confront you. will they throw something at you? spit on you? fortunately, i have...
Apr 8, 2012
eye 148
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and all the other kid liked having me in the class baas i was the safety. in never had to worry about getting the lowest grade on at the test as long is a was there i remember we are were once having an argument about who was the dumbest kid in the school. and it wasn't a big argument. they all agreed it was me. then someone tried to extend the argue to what who was the dumbest person in the world. and i said, wait a minute. i said, there are billions of people in the world. they said, yep. and you're the dumbest one. well, to add insult to injury, that day we had a math quiz and you had to pass your paper to the person behind you and they would correct it and hand it back to you. and then you had to report your score outloud. not a problem if you got 100 or 59. major problem if there was a zero and you got in an argument about the dumbest person in the world. so i started scheming. i said, i know what i do. when she calls my name, i'll mumble. and the teacher will think i said one thing and the girl behind me will think i said something else. so when she c
and all the other kid liked having me in the class baas i was the safety. in never had to worry about getting the lowest grade on at the test as long is a was there i remember we are were once having an argument about who was the dumbest kid in the school. and it wasn't a big argument. they all agreed it was me. then someone tried to extend the argue to what who was the dumbest person in the world. and i said, wait a minute. i said, there are billions of people in the world. they said, yep. and...
Apr 5, 2012
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very good to have you baaing on the show. >> thanks for having me again. >> you came last time offeringable that we haven't heard from you. >> this book is based on the fact that the solution is never at the level of the problem, and that as we move from contracted awareness to expanded awareness, and ultimately to unbounded awareness, you find the solutions and also ultimately the creativity that's inherent in consciousness. the most fundamental fact of the universe is not that it exists but the fact that we are aware that it exists. without our awareness there would be no experience of the universe. >> so you talk about how to solve some of life's biggest problems, and the first solution you deal with, the first area, relationships. >> yes. >> how do we deal bet we are our relationship? >> to understand that every relationship is a mirror of your own consciousness. those that you love and those that you dislike. >> what does that mean? >> well, you love those in whom you find qualities that you want, and you dislike those in whom you find qualities that you deny in your own self. >> t
very good to have you baaing on the show. >> thanks for having me again. >> you came last time offeringable that we haven't heard from you. >> this book is based on the fact that the solution is never at the level of the problem, and that as we move from contracted awareness to expanded awareness, and ultimately to unbounded awareness, you find the solutions and also ultimately the creativity that's inherent in consciousness. the most fundamental fact of the universe is not...