baby. (twittering and laughter) you know what that was? - what? - a mern zendee. (audience laughter) a mern zendee! - a mern zendee? - zing-dee. - zing-dee. (audience laughter) - what is it doing in beverly hills? (audience laughter) - i don't know. (audience laughter) the audience will be so cold, i won't have a chance in the world. - oh, mr. benny. - yes, yes, kid? - i hate to bother you, sir, but could i have your autograph? - yes, yes, yes, - gee, i hope some day i can get into the show business. - really? - yes, sir. you see, i sing a little. l last year. - oh, fine, fine. here you are, kid. - gee, thanks a lot, mr. benny. - you're welcome, you're welcome. hey, hey, kid, come back here. - yes, sir. - i just thought of something. how would you like to sing a number here tonight? - me? - yes. - in front of all those people? - certainly, you said you wanted to get into show business. now, here's your chance. look it, i'll introduce you. (applause) you do as well as you can, w, what did you say your name was? - wayne newton. - wayne newton, fine. (applause) okay. - ladies and gentlemen, we have a real, real feather in our caps tonight. w