it's totally different, except nor banda aceh in the far west it's a mush of religions, it did not prepare him for the savagery, the brutality, the civilization catastrophe of middle eastern islam. the savagery toward women, the hatred, primal fears, i will just say that we have seen islamic civilization go over the cliff in the middle east and obama is chasing unicorns. >> how shocking that the uae decide to act militarily in tripoli without us and not informing us, how far we have fallen in that sense, and to go back to this point i was beaten up pretty hard for my criticism of his background back in '07 and '08. it really comes down to that, he's shown no capacity to grow and change that i've seen, have you seen it? >> no, and that's the amazing thing, in almost six years he's shrunken, he's the amazeing shrinking president, a well tailored man. they didn't tell us, because they can't trust us, because we -- the obama administration repeatedly backs the bad guys, they trust the qatarrys who are principal funders of the islamic state. this is the world turned upside down, obama does not