they use a powerful, a ring, baywatch, or an acoustic guitar. -- a ring, a watch, or an acoustic guitar when it comes to buying in a pawnshop, do not pay the sticker price. they are often willing to negotiate. you will be able to choose which friends can seek on facebook. facebook has more than 500 million users worldwide. wbal is one of them. we hope you will find us. >> we are friends already. he has represented maryland's first district in congress, but how well do you know him? our latest commitment 2010 profile is coming up next. >> there was a critical moment at the hippodrome last night. after months of martin o'malley telling us "maryland is moving forward," "and moving maryland forward" this jobs report tells the truth maryland's economy stalled "we face an uphill struggle in trying to regain the jobs lost" o'malley attempts a cover-up, falsifying the jobs report to help his campaign. "whatever we can do to make it disappear, we need to do it. that's coming straight from the top" martin o'malley, first he makes stuff up, when caught, he covers stuff up. we need a governor who t