in 1965, eduard mitsul was choking to perform on the extensive concert tour of the belarusian philharmonic hallgrant, he ... shshinyu arrived from savetsky union in 1947 from china, when he was 27 years old. for some time now she was grazed in ryza, and then she was grazed for a long time, even as her emigrants went to canada in 1972. garry goldi, my real name was hema holtveld, former spy kruner kshtaltu. and of course, i was asked, so to speak, with the red color of the poster, the color of the program, and the presentation of the belarusian artists at the beginning of mitsul. mitsul and then the musicians, accompaniments, dancers, artists of the arginal genres, and this entire tour of the administration... so modest that he is not in agreement with goldzi, ale mitsul, he was such a nature, he ledzyachy on your talent , so this entire tour began in november 1964, here in ukraine, died in may 1965, and died in january in the ukraine, in the savetskaya union, and only adzinas have passed before the new year of 1965, and here i am... yana sustracali this new year in minsk. saint hannah and yahum