. -- bradfordugh berenson said he was happy to help out on the attorney-client issue.da, jamesy, you are next. caller: the decision for isaster migration, i am retired now, but i worked on the reservation at the hard rock cafe. of two senior agents on the ground of time of the day of pigs, andy of that is what the book is about along with a conspiracy of kennedy. conspiracye it was a and that it was planned. the reason for it was because of the bay of pigs, and it was the cubans. as far as lee harvey oswald. nch died fourr. ly months after his bit came out of the same cancer. n in great falls, virginia. democrats. caller: i wanted to call about the recent poll about how trump supporters are warm to him. that should not come as much of a shock considering that trump ran on these policies when he was running for president. supported obama when he was passing the affordable, even though the republicans would be flabbergasted. it should not come as much of a as to how trump has a his following because supporters still believe in what he is saying and they supported him whe