it's not facts only bosio body won't store it so safe as want to sit in the us and then us to. taking the high doses of its currency is not powerful and you probably get enough to see in your diet if you think you don't. use enough pretty soon vegetables then take in the supplements and they. won't do any harm but huge amounts and taking deep doses of it to save will not cure it's not ultra violent lamps kill coronavirus now many theories have been circulating on the internet and social media including the use of ultraviolet light hospitals often use u.v. to kill germs in theatres or the board trees but the world health organization says that labs never be used to clean or starlight's human skin as they could cause irritation instead wash your hands with soap and water. bill gates is to blame no he isn't it's just another crazy conspiracy theory did however award rance the perp right institute in summary where scientists worked on developing weak of forms of different strains of grain a virus fact could potentially be used as a vaccine to prevent or spirits the diseases in othe