let's bring in brett winton. we have to ask a futurist.'m sure you've been listening to our conversation, and i'm wondering where you think we are in this. i mean, before you came on our show, you talked about the great future, but right here, right now, are we in this tough transition period? we don't know what the regulatory framework is. we don't know what guardrails corporate america might put up on the use of a.i. at this point in time, and the cost for search is going to be much higher, at least for right now, as opposed to keyword search. >> i think that corporate america is going to have to adapt to a.i. or die i think that the competitive pressure in the marketplace is going to mean that those companies that aggressively on-board this technology and use the tools to the full extent will outcompete those companies that don't and so, you know, look at the announcement by dane and open a.i. that they're going to help coca-cola on-board large language models into their corporate processes. i think you'll see a lot of announcements lik