here is bruce terkel, from terkel brands. jack hough from "barron's". bruce, yes it is hard. have worked at very hard companies. that is what exceptionalism is. when you work for exceptional firm that demands exceptionalism from employees you will be treated like crap. surprise, surprise. that is what happens in amazon. >> i grew up in the advertising business, they said if you don't work on saturday, don't bother coming in on sunday. maybe amazon experimenting with drones because they don't and complain. david: they said they're indignant. hard-working highly paid workers are not working like europeans where "the new york times" thinks everybody should work, you take couple hours for lunch, massage break at 3:00 in the afternoon. >> i'm normally not least sympathetic people tell me, that is why you pay it is not fun. if half of the story true there do seem to be things over the top here. punishing people for health care problems that outside of their control. you know, new mother, this sort of thing. this might be a awakening moment for amazon. you know bezos might not reali