they made up for that lack of training with just bullheaded tenacity. but when the prisoners are taken from ft. donelson after surrender, they'll be in the northern prison camps for six months before they're exchanged or paroled. the southern army out here, which will become the army of the -- the army of tennessee, army of tennessee, they're not going to -- that initial core of experience is gone. the combat experience they had here at ft. donelson is locked away in a union prison camp for six months. so it's shilo because confederates lost 16,000 guys to their army, shilo was this close of a victory for the south. could you imagine if you threw 16,000 more confederates on that. what would have happened at the battle of shilo. they were denied. it could have gone the other way. another ft. donelson legacy. i'm going to badger this point. donelson campaign was so pivotal and it kind of breaks my heart that it's not as remembered as it should be. lessons for today. if you look at ft. donelson campaign, a lot of studies for command. command and control pe