bunco? yeah, bunco, i bet. look, mr. um... harv. harv, this is probably our fault. you see, he probably thought we were hot on his tail so he cut out on it. will $25 cover it? including the towels? hey, have a good one yourself. you like that, man? i don't believe this. first he does a number on me, then he says he'll be at the hotel, then he leaves me with the bill and goes out the back door! you've got to admire the criminal mastermind, bobby. so, are we gonna go get him? no! are you gonna let it drop just like this? are you gonna let it drop?! ...last seen headed northbound. 2202 responding. over. come on, renko. [ siren wails ] merry christmas! ho ho -- [ "angels we have heard on high" plays ] come on, lady, you wanna move?! [ whistling "jingle bells" ] [ growling ] move!! what's with you?! i got free speech! you little hairbag... you are coming with me! i can hold as long as you can. i'll bet. who do we have responding, henry? hill, renko, simmons, obranovich, plus all east side park on the perimeter. i think they changed cars. we got a report they are driving