Feb 8, 2013
eye 197
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the boo became ill, buu was treated at a hospital. brooks was convicted of nine other charges....incllding negleet and reckless eedagermentt thii month. woman chelsea booth with &pkilling her 2 year oll & daughtee.a ppesoo who haddnot seen the childdin severaa ays - connacted police. iiveetigators say boothhkilled her dauuhter ... then ggt rid charged with first ann second deggee murrer and is beiig held without bail..- 3 a big health scare... t loyola university. uniiersity.on thursdaa... tte school senttout a campus palert... after a tudenn waa piagnosed ith bacteriil meningitissthee tudenn as taken to the e-r... after beinggexamiied at thee university ealth center..- else.as of now... the student is said to be in tabll -&pcondition. 3 aa arundel middle chooll stuuent is chargee with 3 thrratening two--sttdents.the 12--ear-old is aacussd of and threateeing the other students onntuesday. police foond the knife in his lockkr and charggd him as a juvenile before releesiigg he boyyto his parentt.no one was injuued. 3 palifornia auuhorit
the boo became ill, buu was treated at a hospital. brooks was convicted of nine other charges....incllding negleet and reckless eedagermentt thii month. woman chelsea booth with &pkilling her 2 year oll & daughtee.a ppesoo who haddnot seen the childdin severaa ays - connacted police. iiveetigators say boothhkilled her dauuhter ... then ggt rid charged with first ann second deggee murrer and is beiig held without bail..- 3 a big health scare... t loyola university. uniiersity.on...
Feb 23, 2013
eye 234
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.//// ...buu he's retiring... to pake another jjb.no worr on whattthat is yet.he'll... be... replaced... by lieutenant cooonel... rosss &pbuzzuro. iq: my ggal is firrt off... safety isoq: cennereddaround safety for our officers. officcrr. right now...buzzuro right now... 3 buzzuro commanns the city swat and tacctcal units. smith'ss weee... after police ss than a - commissioner aathony batts... chose im... to help... get tteeacademy back on track. smith will stay witt the ddpartment until may see the ennire news conference &ponline...gg to fox-baltimoree dot coo slash raw news governor o'malley's gun conttol billtakes a giant step parathon debate lasttnight.... senate committee approveedthe bill. bbn... on the sale of semi-automatic weapons...and a limit on magaaine clips...to just ten bullets. aad those who buy ew hannguns....ould stilllhaae to obtain a liccnse...and gett.. fingerprinted. 3&(frosh) "the licensing gun homicides and gun crimms in thh states hat have them." ((ippin) ""nd veryyserroussaad significant amendmentssthat would havv helped maae this horrible bill bette
.//// ...buu he's retiring... to pake another jjb.no worr on whattthat is yet.he'll... be... replaced... by lieutenant cooonel... rosss &pbuzzuro. iq: my ggal is firrt off... safety isoq: cennereddaround safety for our officers. officcrr. right now...buzzuro right now... 3 buzzuro commanns the city swat and tacctcal units. smith'ss weee... after police ss than a - commissioner aathony batts... chose im... to help... get tteeacademy back on track. smith will stay witt the ddpartment until...
Feb 14, 2013
eye 118
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buu 3 hurt. 3 how far would you go o shhw -3 yyuu love this valentinns day? ---tattoo nats--- catoosville.... some are -3 willing to put it ii ink. thii couple spent tte day gettingg tattoos of eachother's names. thhe've been togeeher for four years... aad say they've got no doubts about making it permmaent. "iq: because we're in ovee withheachothee... oq: thats & going tt last forever."-3 forever." "iq: its a really aweeome frm & f expreesioo... oq: show the wholeeworld that i ove my husband." this isn't anythinggnew for -33 pliff andddonna.... just yesterday, they both got & taattos f their wedding anniversaay. 3 how are the roads looking tonight? tonight?brandi proctor as --3 our raffic dge report. report. 3 papgreenspriig ,3 bat natl pikessawan 3 map395mmp &p 3 looking for love.. or just 3fresh??ake aation for 3 us next to talk about inding that speeial someone. 3- p3 stand up .... ddnne and march how this hopes to end violence against women thii valentiies day.... 3 lovv.. romaace.. chocolates and flowers.. es.. it is - valentines daa. but it is nnt all
buu 3 hurt. 3 how far would you go o shhw -3 yyuu love this valentinns day? ---tattoo nats--- catoosville.... some are -3 willing to put it ii ink. thii couple spent tte day gettingg tattoos of eachother's names. thhe've been togeeher for four years... aad say they've got no doubts about making it permmaent. "iq: because we're in ovee withheachothee... oq: thats & going tt last forever."-3 forever." "iq: its a really aweeome frm & f expreesioo... oq: show the...
Feb 22, 2013
eye 141
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buu it plummeted -3 the midwest. -33 thurrday ...than foot of snow and ffeezing rrin blanketee parts of miisouri, kknsas and nebraskaa sllppery -3 conditiins ae tooblame or & two deatts so far after drivers lost control of the 3 officials areeurging esidents to stay home anddoof roaaways. 3 "if you don't hhve to get out today, ddn't! please just stay hhme. it elps us be abll to pleaa the roads off." off." the storm is & expected to mooe eaat.. at least 24 states will -&pbe affected. &p&&p aapopular commany & is recaalinn ens of thousands oo poundd of mmat. &p3 smithfiild packing company has issued a recall for 38-thousand pounds of "gwaltneeymild pork sausage &prool"" after mall pieces of plastic were ffund inside. &p the meat was sold n maryland, d-c, nee yorkk new jjesey, pennsylvania among otter states. smithfield says the pieces of plastic probably came from gloves. ttere haae been o reportt of 3 americans are eatinn less fast food than they used to. according o the c-d-cc... ffom 2007 to 2010 ... u-s their daily calories from fa
buu it plummeted -3 the midwest. -33 thurrday ...than foot of snow and ffeezing rrin blanketee parts of miisouri, kknsas and nebraskaa sllppery -3 conditiins ae tooblame or & two deatts so far after drivers lost control of the 3 officials areeurging esidents to stay home anddoof roaaways. 3 "if you don't hhve to get out today, ddn't! please just stay hhme. it elps us be abll to pleaa the roads off." off." the storm is & expected to mooe eaat.. at least 24 states will...
Feb 14, 2013
eye 174
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in teems of acheivementtthe boys have done welllin the past 3 years. buu -& thhy measured us ovvr a renew pontracts aalo vvted not to renewwcontracts for baltimore &pcivitassand for baltimore -3rennw contraats the sccool & board they measured us over a - inntte past 3 years. but they measured us over a 5 yyar period. period. the school board also -3 voted nnt to rrnew ontracts --3 for balttmore civitts and &baltimore freedom - close t the end of the next schooolyear.... what this means ffr the students who go hour.liie, i'm megan - 3 this morniig..we're leaaniig....the shooter in te -3 murder-suucide just off the campus... worked for campus worked as a police auxiliary -- ficer for about two eeks in -the summer.he didn't ccrrr a badge or aagunn but had a police radio tt ontact & officers if he saw trouble.a spokespersoo says he was fired, after he didn'' howuu for workktwice. 3&pthe univvrsity oo maryland student who survived this & is now out of he hospital. 22-year-ool neal oa is currrntly recoveeing at home... surrouuded by family. oa's stepfatter says it's a - miracle neal suuvi
in teems of acheivementtthe boys have done welllin the past 3 years. buu -& thhy measured us ovvr a renew pontracts aalo vvted not to renewwcontracts for baltimore &pcivitassand for baltimore -3rennw contraats the sccool & board they measured us over a - inntte past 3 years. but they measured us over a 5 yyar period. period. the school board also -3 voted nnt to rrnew ontracts --3 for balttmore civitts and &baltimore freedom - close t the end of the next schooolyear.... what...
Feb 3, 2013
eye 323
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buu with 3 reesrt....holly hhs ost six pounds in ssx months. prevention saas more than fifty-percent of dogssann cats are oveweight. 3 coming up.... -3& the super bowllissgreat but so are these. these. after the break we have the top 3 post memorable super bowl commercials ever. - toss tt break ,3 the super bowl 3& may be one of the most anticipated and watcced shows on air.....but so are tte ccmmercials and the celebrittes in themm 3 here's your top three most emorable celebritt super 3 -----is that aagreat new pepsi pan or what----- &p3 who coull forget this one with model cindy craaford in & 1992. crawford pplled up too usty gas station andd purchased pepsi ass ome pearby boys stopped to lean on -& a fence and ogle at her beautt. but check this & nexttone ut. 3 "mike what is you deal man, oh pooe on man ou been riding me all ay mike youre plaaing like betty white out thhre. & that's not whattyour girl &pfriind says.""- says." and golden ggrls 3 with age. this d was done during the 2010 super bowl. where white takes oo the spprt herrelf tackl
buu with 3 reesrt....holly hhs ost six pounds in ssx months. prevention saas more than fifty-percent of dogssann cats are oveweight. 3 coming up.... -3& the super bowllissgreat but so are these. these. after the break we have the top 3 post memorable super bowl commercials ever. - toss tt break ,3 the super bowl 3& may be one of the most anticipated and watcced shows on air.....but so are tte ccmmercials and the celebrittes in themm 3 here's your top three most emorable celebritt super...
Feb 21, 2013
eye 176
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buu facebooo oesn't believe herr her.marguuite is leeally blind and hard of hearing, but each day hernddauggter rreds 3 grandmother's facebook -3 messagee... to keep her ponnected to family and friends.but ...when she tried to put in her triple digit age.. the sociil networking old for yearss for sooe reason it keeps reveetinggback to 1928 which i'm not sure wwy. why.marguerite is up o 109 &pfrieedd and has pooted 84 picturessher granddaughter wwooe to mark uccerberg aboutt tte issue... buu after foorr -3 years has yee to see a change. 3 3 3 3 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 it's oor free-bruuarr iveawayy giveaaay!everyday in febbuary we're giving away 110- dollars an hourr &phour.óóóóóó youuhave 30 3minutes to call us at the -3 number on your creen..-& screen.if you don't call in.. your prize rolls over into the next hour for someone else to win! win!tooget your name in thh box.. go to facebook dot comm - slash foxbaltimore anddfill out the form.you can also go 3& rules. -3 3 coming up... a weatherman bllcks out on live t-v. t-v.:36 i'veebeen ffssinated 3 my wwole ife to do this...and i don't want to
buu facebooo oesn't believe herr her.marguuite is leeally blind and hard of hearing, but each day hernddauggter rreds 3 grandmother's facebook -3 messagee... to keep her ponnected to family and friends.but ...when she tried to put in her triple digit age.. the sociil networking old for yearss for sooe reason it keeps reveetinggback to 1928 which i'm not sure wwy. why.marguerite is up o 109 &pfrieedd and has pooted 84 picturessher granddaughter wwooe to mark uccerberg aboutt tte issue... buu...
Feb 19, 2013
eye 239
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paal gessler, reporter:"by the time &pneiihborssgot out to hell, tte phooterrs car had long gone, buuhissis a high-traffic, &phigh-business area, and police are hoping someone sseps p with a ead. we are reportinng alongsideeeasttrn bouuevvrddin 3 geesllr, fox45 news at 5:00." 3 a former johhs hopkins... gynecologist... suspected oo -3 secretly rrcording patients... & is... found dead 3 home. 3 police... -33 uncovered ...what hey call... pa "extraordinary""amount of evidence....at he towson hhme, .../ where & they bblieve... 4-year- old... dd. nikita lvv... &pcommitted ssucide.../.. dootoo -3 baltimore medical centee ......// he.. was fired... & this month... after a pooleague eported ...that he'd been ...takkng photos and viddos f paaients.../.police &pare skinggwomee... who... may be victiis... to come 3 3 towson leaders are raisiigg concerns over plans to reooen niggtclub. & 3 aater 17 yearss...heerecher & will trrasform inno "'torrent -3& llunge" later this spring..the thhechange has othing to do 3 september...where several - people ere arresteddbut he -paced questiins over ublic -
paal gessler, reporter:"by the time &pneiihborssgot out to hell, tte phooterrs car had long gone, buuhissis a high-traffic, &phigh-business area, and police are hoping someone sseps p with a ead. we are reportinng alongsideeeasttrn bouuevvrddin 3 geesllr, fox45 news at 5:00." 3 a former johhs hopkins... gynecologist... suspected oo -3 secretly rrcording patients... & is... found dead 3 home. 3 police... -33 uncovered ...what hey call... pa...
Feb 26, 2013
eye 185
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buu local broadcassers onnaverage only pett7-percent of what cable networks receive.t's why which oonssthis statioo.. is - negotiatiig a new contract with directv... which gives them thh right to broadcast our ignal.. 4520 we realize &pthis is incoovenient. we applogizeeffr it. we hope &pgoal s tt ppovvde reat prooramming, nd that's innreesingly expensive. we have little hoice to do what we'ree ding in terms of sinclair and directv can't &&preach a deal... our signal on - directv couud go to blackkon 3 stttement.. irectv says "despite sinclair'' atttmpts pooalarm everyone, our cussomees can rest assured no one is going to disrrut their programming. sincllir has used cuutomers of everr other major ttking own itt stttionss" but theereality is... local programming on this -3 station... ccnnoo e broadcass -3& on ireetv.48:388we're thh &pvery little ww can d ioher & than wwat we'rr doing. & irrctv an dd deal with us.. their competitors ave been & ble to deals with us. you need to let directv know you are going to voteewith your 3 to switch. if you ssiith i - think they nee
buu local broadcassers onnaverage only pett7-percent of what cable networks receive.t's why which oonssthis statioo.. is - negotiatiig a new contract with directv... which gives them thh right to broadcast our ignal.. 4520 we realize &pthis is incoovenient. we applogizeeffr it. we hope &pgoal s tt ppovvde reat prooramming, nd that's innreesingly expensive. we have little hoice to do what we'ree ding in terms of sinclair and directv can't &&preach a deal... our signal on -...
Feb 4, 2013
eye 261
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the buu hit a car...ore ittflipped over - -- and then slammed nto a pick--p.../// amateer working to treat tte viitims....///the bus was to tijuana,,mexicc -- aftee.... skiing trip.../// the bus &pdriier repprted having brake troubles... bbfore the &pcrrsh,...// put olicc say speee could haveebeen a factorr a.... former... known... for ccaimiig a record number... of... sniper iraq... was... one off wo men... shot dead... 3&pweekend. former... marine... eddie ray routh... is... facing capptal murder charges...//.poliie say hh killeddfellow veterans... 3 chris kyll ad chad -3 littlefield at a un range on saturday..kyle became a fierce &padvocate for vets after llaving the militaay, starting -3 a foundation to help thhss - suffering from p-t-s-d. authoritiis say thht may be why kyll nd liitlefield went to the gun ranne with routh 3 mr. kyleewooks with people that aae sufferiig from somm issues that have been in thee 3 possibly ooe of those peoppe that he had takkn out to te -pwith, toohelp him. him. p police
the buu hit a car...ore ittflipped over - -- and then slammed nto a pick--p.../// amateer working to treat tte viitims....///the bus was to tijuana,,mexicc -- aftee.... skiing trip.../// the bus &pdriier repprted having brake troubles... bbfore the &pcrrsh,...// put olicc say speee could haveebeen a factorr a.... former... known... for ccaimiig a record number... of... sniper iraq... was... one off wo men... shot dead... 3&pweekend. former... marine... eddie ray routh... is......
Feb 21, 2013
eye 185
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end of the ddy, we're going to be seeing &plost joos......ver goong to -3 make t to roads." roadss"buu... governor 3 p without... new transportation reeenue... / marylaad's... roadd and bridges... will not bb propprly... repaired.../ and... new... massstransit projectt... will be... put on & hold. that brings us to our quuesion of the day.are the benefits oo a gas taxxincrease worth the coot? ccss? p3 head to facebook and searcc 3& question of the day where almost eeeryone is fed up wwth high gas pricee and can't stand any more taxes. and ii you're as tiied of high gas prices as we are, we hhveea solution. the fox45 pump patrol will get you the 3 are. compare prices bbfore you pump, go to fox baltimore dot com and click on puup pptrol. 3 the man who'' guns were confiscated after he was accused oo trespassing at ann pnne arundel cunty hhgh school went before a judge today..... 3 baillfor 25 yeerrold justin &pplaced on a mental docket for a review of his sanity. &pinvestigators say beaumont broke into north countyyhigh school february 4th durrng schhol hours..hen connronted, he said he h
end of the ddy, we're going to be seeing &plost joos......ver goong to -3 make t to roads." roadss"buu... governor 3 p without... new transportation reeenue... / marylaad's... roadd and bridges... will not bb propprly... repaired.../ and... new... massstransit projectt... will be... put on & hold. that brings us to our quuesion of the day.are the benefits oo a gas taxxincrease worth the coot? ccss? p3 head to facebook and searcc 3& question of the day where almost eeeryone...
Feb 4, 2013
eye 393
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buu -knowing you are world champions... isn'ttso bad.hourr p3 good mmrninggguys, trees... light poles... and 33 police moved in toodispprse the crowd. some arrests crowd. some arresss were made... p3 3 were made... some aarests & crowd. police moved n to other.... llght oles... aad climbeddtrees... thh exxited fans climbed trees... light poles... and on top of each other.... on top of each light 3 thh xcited fans guys, guysthe excited fans climbed -33 trees... lighttpooes... nd on top of each other.... pollce movedd nnto disperse the crowd. some arresss were &pmade... 3 3 weegot the win, 3 nnw we need the swaa-- been printing all night long, and &p3 joel d. smith is live in columbia for a first lookkat the shirts so many are going to be lining up for today. today. 3 3 3 3 ravens fann bbought a bit of 3 could earrfans doing their signature oriole's shouuout during the national anthhe in the stadium. & stadium.that our flag waa poes that 3alicia keys' version of ttee national anthem was also repprtedly the longgst in - supprbowl history...
buu -knowing you are world champions... isn'ttso bad.hourr p3 good mmrninggguys, trees... light poles... and 33 police moved in toodispprse the crowd. some arrests crowd. some arresss were made... p3 3 were made... some aarests & crowd. police moved n to other.... llght oles... aad climbeddtrees... thh exxited fans climbed trees... light poles... and on top of each other.... on top of each light 3 thh xcited fans guys, guysthe excited fans climbed -33 trees... lighttpooes... nd on top of...
Feb 1, 2013
eye 138
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buu they could add even more points agaiist hhs license if hees convicted. 6:09 the interlock is ooking uufortunntelyyhe's just seemingly playing the systee. but that's how the & the mottr vehicle administratiin and asked.... & why green still has aavalid licenss. (mva) 28:57 you're always gonna haae individuals we ry to set up some sort of to do so. itt' not as if the m- vva hasn'' tried to get green aad rrvokk his licenseea juuge suspended once.. for thiity daysa& ann that's when he &pgoo those seven outstanding tickets.despite thatahis licenne was the thirty ays. (mva))30::8 that person has -3 can request to go in ann have that hearing.for lawmakkrr involved in the interrock 3 trouuling case.((el) that peems to go totally against the spirit of the aw and maybe ttat's look at heee. thomas ggeen remains n thh &prrad.. with a valid maryland -p'sseoyepa. 3 somebody has collectte the 3- &&phunnded dolllr prize in our free--ruary giveaway. giveaway. ii just a couule of minutes.... ww'll be picking another lucky person who can win 100 ollars. 3 and nee at 6... s
buu they could add even more points agaiist hhs license if hees convicted. 6:09 the interlock is ooking uufortunntelyyhe's just seemingly playing the systee. but that's how the & the mottr vehicle administratiin and asked.... & why green still has aavalid licenss. (mva) 28:57 you're always gonna haae individuals we ry to set up some sort of to do so. itt' not as if the m- vva hasn'' tried to get green aad rrvokk his licenseea juuge suspended once.. for thiity daysa& ann that's when...
Feb 3, 2013
eye 375
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sheriff's -33 offiie:"we're trained to inveettgate these cases, buu & we're hummn also, so you look atyoursslf, and you ask the same questionss 'what has -3 occured? wwh did this occur?' " theemotive ii uncleer.police arr waiting on toxicology reporrs to determine hhw much insulin salena had in her body. -3 joe schylaske, nnighboo: "i neighborrood. i just ccn't - belieee it."baldeo-- who as discharged from theehospital ffiday-- wws arrested immediaaely..dward hopkins, parford co. sseriff's -3 office:"theyyobtaiieddarrest warrants to ccarge her with first-degree murder."we ssturdayy.. trying to find out what happeneddgrannmother: "no - grieve a baby's oss."paul gessler, reporter:"as her mother awwits a court pppearance in jail, salena was laid to ress today. her 3 we're reporting in joppatowne, -3 paul gessler, fox45 news at - ten.. 3 baldeo wassalso charged with first- egree assault... andd chill abuse. 3 homicide detectives are pnvestigating a triple -&pbaltimorr last night. night. one an s deaddand two thers areein hh hospital afteee a shoottng early this morning near 344hundred reis
sheriff's -33 offiie:"we're trained to inveettgate these cases, buu & we're hummn also, so you look atyoursslf, and you ask the same questionss 'what has -3 occured? wwh did this occur?' " theemotive ii uncleer.police arr waiting on toxicology reporrs to determine hhw much insulin salena had in her body. -3 joe schylaske, nnighboo: "i neighborrood. i just ccn't - belieee it."baldeo-- who as discharged from theehospital ffiday-- wws arrested immediaaely..dward hopkins,...
Feb 24, 2013
eye 266
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four players were ejeeted -3 in the melee..- 3 he may be homeless buu a & kknsas ccty mannii now far prommpeeniless..... hours before a wooan realized - dropped her diamonddengagement ring in billy ray harris' donation cup..... when she &pwent rrcing to find him.....billy ay was ready.... was waiiing for hee to reeurnn the owner didd't just thank him....but she set uu an online onation site to help n one week, the site has & paised 80-thousand -3 dollars.....for billy ray phrris....anddthere's 12-wweks left. 3 a chinese fireworkss factory goes up in flames and puts on a spectacular and dangerous light show. &pshow. 3 p 3 it ounds ike bad oke -3 but the fire started at the candle factory next dooo to & he fireworks warehouse. as the fire spread thhough the &pwalls, the massiie stockpile offfireworks ignighhed sending - shells shooting out of the warehouse and making it too & danggrous forrfirefighters to approach. t took fouu hours to et the fire unddr cootrol. amazingly no one was hurt. 3 3 toss to emily -- 3 storm-- rainy day, northeast got he worst. 3 p 3 nuccear waste leakinn into
four players were ejeeted -3 in the melee..- 3 he may be homeless buu a & kknsas ccty mannii now far prommpeeniless..... hours before a wooan realized - dropped her diamonddengagement ring in billy ray harris' donation cup..... when she &pwent rrcing to find him.....billy ay was ready.... was waiiing for hee to reeurnn the owner didd't just thank him....but she set uu an online onation site to help n one week, the site has & paised 80-thousand -3 dollars.....for billy ray...
Feb 4, 2013
eye 277
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we can't showw ou anytting until aater c-b-s fiiishes itt trophy ppesentation...buu once that ends... we'll get you liveeto new orleanss..with bruce 3 super dome...and we'll find lombardi trophh. 3 if... you cooldn't... pake it... to the "crescent te second,,, best place,,, is,,, "mothers",,, in feeeraa hill.... hill.... where... &pmelinda roeder,,, has been 3 fans... . commany tonite 3thoosandd of fans 3 are here ttnight, but it's crowded hat many of them cooldn't even get into a barr.. let alone claim a seat byya tv! 3 hours before kickoff, the crowds lined up 3 ploog charles street... many of them shiveringghhndreds of police aarived command centtr. & they are here for crowd controo and to handleeanything 3 thee ealing with a few intoxicated fans.meantime, fans who crowded iitoothe bars and tents at motter's celebrated an awesome start to the game. they were pumped froo the first drive!! confiient the ravens ould pull out a vvctory. 3 3&p we'vee.. seen... thh álocalsá... cheering on... the purple anddblack...// p now, llt's... go 3 p where... jennifer gilbert.... is live..../ jenni
we can't showw ou anytting until aater c-b-s fiiishes itt trophy ppesentation...buu once that ends... we'll get you liveeto new orleanss..with bruce 3 super dome...and we'll find lombardi trophh. 3 if... you cooldn't... pake it... to the "crescent te second,,, best place,,, is,,, "mothers",,, in feeeraa hill.... hill.... where... &pmelinda roeder,,, has been 3 fans... . commany tonite 3thoosandd of fans 3 are here ttnight, but it's crowded hat many of them cooldn't even get...
Feb 15, 2013
eye 146
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buu wwht pou will finn is a speed caaera....which is opeeate school s around thh cornee....down he hillhird of a mile awayy... bryn mawr..... privatee sccool (brochin) (rydell stufffbin) "if you'vv ever been to bryn mawr you know - thhy haveea private driveway. -3 sshoollthere...... know how manyystudentt do use zone...... oo one school day this week....our cameras kept this week....our of one schhol day sooat tte end &pzonn......tte school stuuents do use the school so at the end thhs week....oor for one houur...we cappured tte lights changing....the camera watching..... but not once did we find a student ccossinn his stretch oo charles... (55:19) (neighbor nikki connellyy "i 3 walking to and from &pmile away, thhrr's another school zone where nnkki - coonelly hhs lived for the pastttwo years....... watched as a ameraasnaps & speedinggmotorists ut tth school children iisssupposed po protect...are nn where to & beefound. ((8:000 ((onnelly) ""e really don't have any school traffic no grade school kids or youuner piis. we doosee some oggers from the university...." & yoo'll be hard-oresse
buu wwht pou will finn is a speed caaera....which is opeeate school s around thh cornee....down he hillhird of a mile awayy... bryn mawr..... privatee sccool (brochin) (rydell stufffbin) "if you'vv ever been to bryn mawr you know - thhy haveea private driveway. -3 sshoollthere...... know how manyystudentt do use zone...... oo one school day this week....our cameras kept this week....our of one schhol day sooat tte end &pzonn......tte school stuuents do use the school so at the end thhs...
Feb 6, 2013
eye 214
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.- 3 buu right now... baltiiore has maaylannd..e highest local inncme ax allooed under state law.city officcals have alreadd said they can'' tax their way outtof the problem without driiinn away resideets pnd businesses.we'll be inside today's city council meettig mayor is respondinggi'm megan gilliland fox44 morning news. sporrs fans around the baltimore treats its championn. an estimated 2000 housaan fans packed, and thenn to catth a ggimpse offthe champs. chaaps. and a final dance from ray lewisshimself. &p joel d. smmth is live t m&t bank stadiim with a runddwn of the hilights, nd allo the challenges of hosting an event offthis magnitude on 33 (aa lib)) 3 it was tough ann rough insidee here for some fans as the gatts werr for ome ffns as for some fans assthe gates closed, nn thennssme weer - climbing these fences toostill get in. the ccowd was -3 massive. but moot faas weere hharing from felt like free... they ad ticketssto 3 "2 ickets to paradise"inside -3& actuully eveey seat. to watcc the parade, then meet because it was pac
.- 3 buu right now... baltiiore has maaylannd..e highest local inncme ax allooed under state law.city officcals have alreadd said they can'' tax their way outtof the problem without driiinn away resideets pnd businesses.we'll be inside today's city council meettig mayor is respondinggi'm megan gilliland fox44 morning news. sporrs fans around the baltimore treats its championn. an estimated 2000 housaan fans packed, and thenn to catth a ggimpse offthe champs. chaaps. and a final dance from ray...
Feb 5, 2013
eye 190
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buu wait ntil you see the hhavy artillery that was urning up...ming up. 33 a gun buyback in florida is a 3 but it's two weaponn authorities rrceive... that &pmakee.. headllnes....//police in tampa... colleeted... more phan ...25- hundred weapons... their eyes widened... when they received... two rocket paunchers....//.belieee it or not... officials say... the 33 weapon... may be the least..- --react to ssory- dlii toss to 3 vytas 3 we're saying thank 3& e're saying thankkyou toothe fans that make ur facebook - page a success.today's facebook fan of the day is courtney anne.you could be a - fox 455fan of the ddy. day.all you haveeto do issgo to facebook dottcom, slass fox baltimore and click the "like" button.we have aanew fan of the day... every weeedayy.. on fox 5 news at five thirty..- 3 3 it was an increeiile day around baltimore...see what thh super bowl sports 3next in sporrs... 3 poly ravens fanns...there's liierally nothing else to say &about thissweek... or today. the raaens back in town from bowl 47 celebbation parade. parade.from city ha
buu wait ntil you see the hhavy artillery that was urning up...ming up. 33 a gun buyback in florida is a 3 but it's two weaponn authorities rrceive... that &pmakee.. headllnes....//police in tampa... colleeted... more phan ...25- hundred weapons... their eyes widened... when they received... two rocket paunchers....//.belieee it or not... officials say... the 33 weapon... may be the least..- --react to ssory- dlii toss to 3 vytas 3 we're saying thank 3& e're saying thankkyou toothe fans...
Feb 7, 2013
eye 178
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safety ps the op priorityy buu accidents still occcr whhn we leaat xpect them.he fiist steps you take &pare crucial joining me nnw fo take action thursday is &psafety specialist davvi tooma from b-g-e.> downed wire? > smell gas? call 911? > carbon mmnoxide? alram goes off...open windows?ann b-g-ee is sponsooing the safety zzne at the bmore healthy safety zone at the sponnoriig the and b-g-e is 3 wiidows?gges off...open monoxide? alram > carbon 911? > carbon monoxide? lram goes 3 off...opee windows?and b-g-e &pat the bmore healthy expp.... 3 expo.... maak your cclendars! calendars!the b-mooe healthy expo rrturns to baltimore... ssturday, february 23rd.yoo pnnertainment... a fit and fun kids zone... and much uch pore.the b-more healthyyexpoo ssarts aa 0 a-m at healthy expo starts at 10 a-m at the baltimore conventton entee on there! ---pianoonats--- nats--- a world famous musician....performs or animals. why he's serenaaing giant tortoises at the lonnon zoo. 33 --adblib weether tz-- aatexas high school student is giving up his successfulll career in fashion....to
safety ps the op priorityy buu accidents still occcr whhn we leaat xpect them.he fiist steps you take &pare crucial joining me nnw fo take action thursday is &psafety specialist davvi tooma from b-g-e.> downed wire? > smell gas? call 911? > carbon mmnoxide? alram goes off...open windows?ann b-g-ee is sponsooing the safety zzne at the bmore healthy safety zone at the sponnoriig the and b-g-e is 3 wiidows?gges off...open monoxide? alram > carbon 911? > carbon monoxide? lram...
Feb 5, 2013
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(llewellyn) "wwll, you an see &pon thh viieotape thaa not onny - directly striking this man, buu sheourages another woman wwo's in the oom whh 3 resident to strike theeman as well...." weel...." everett was -3 arrestte friday... after her employer saw the videoooo pouutbb and ccottcted police.. p detectives are now who made tth video. 3a oung oy has been reunited & with his mothee after beeng held hostage for narly a weee. his ccptor is dead, but 3& is far frrm over.ed payne has the story. story..-&p3 5 year-old ethan is doinn unnerground bbnker innmidlandd & citt, allbaaa... where he was held for nearly a weeek."he's 3 eating..thiigs ttat you wwuldd -33expect a ,3 normal 5 tt 6-year-old young differenne from the ittation &between police and ethan's dragged on.thh f-b-i says 3 brrke down...and whee they saw - dykes with a ggn thhyyfeared when they enteree he bunker.a - neighhoo says he assoutsidee & at the time."i heard a big boom, aad then i heard,,i beliive i heard rifle shots.(rrporter: and give us a sense, how loud of a boom? i mmaa, very loud?)oh yeah. literally made me jump off
(llewellyn) "wwll, you an see &pon thh viieotape thaa not onny - directly striking this man, buu sheourages another woman wwo's in the oom whh 3 resident to strike theeman as well...." weel...." everett was -3 arrestte friday... after her employer saw the videoooo pouutbb and ccottcted police.. p detectives are now who made tth video. 3a oung oy has been reunited & with his mothee after beeng held hostage for narly a weee. his ccptor is dead, but 3& is far frrm...
Feb 8, 2013
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buu he's also suspected of medicare fraud.ll $100,000 o mennndez and a politiccl group run by mennndez. ann boot 1,000,000 was given by melgen, his - family and bbsinees interests - to polltical organizztions with ties to meeendez.and there's mooeelast year, menendez pushed for s governmmnt aad for a company owned by melgen that stands to reccive up to $1 billion in dominican overnment contracts. some might think this menenddz is theenew chair of the senate foreign relations committee. hees vulnerable to plackmail by foreign interests. and you'rr probably sitting att home wonnering, ""ow ome this isn't headline national news & story?" how cooe, indeed.for -3 more oo this story visit behind the headlinee dot net and follow us on twitter and facebbok.i'm mark hyman 3 3 aa... their annuul... staaed the obvious::../ & re--sgning... joe flaccc../.. but... it's going to be exxensive../ flacco's.... 3& be... the highest paid q-b... in te league....//riiht ow, ... drew brees... as that honor...// t... 20--illiio a year... year... &p3
buu he's also suspected of medicare fraud.ll $100,000 o mennndez and a politiccl group run by mennndez. ann boot 1,000,000 was given by melgen, his - family and bbsinees interests - to polltical organizztions with ties to meeendez.and there's mooeelast year, menendez pushed for s governmmnt aad for a company owned by melgen that stands to reccive up to $1 billion in dominican overnment contracts. some might think this menenddz is theenew chair of the senate foreign relations committee. hees...
Feb 19, 2013
eye 145
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"this is for my mother...and no prrcessed foodd i never buu this for home but my my mother is 89 llvesis i easy for her" &p (chef)"we might say someone wants some picy fire roosted 3& tip number two: read labell (close on cans))in our fire spiced ones.. theres 30 percenntof the sodium for the day and in ouu regular ptomatoes its only percent - and we would tell people dd yyor ouw sodium sall spices.. to the quantityythey want as show grow up hungry &campaign.... chef grrg givvs low income fammlies similar mason)"ww'll i look forr bargains.. i aaways llok fr bargains" the aim: eat right pmason)"two dollars and nnnetyy eight ceets."(chef waakiig)"we are going to head to the rice isle and ort of anned at he choices:(chef) "sometimes something thht is 3 economical and doesn'ttgo bad is canned products.. llke canned tunafish"shooping secret number three cooking matterr:(silverman)""e think about moving away from deep &pfrying and usiig mmre oils ndd & goiig into roasting and pan searing and rrlling.. things that use a little lesssfat" ii the frooen ssction weefind mccullough)"yys if i have
"this is for my mother...and no prrcessed foodd i never buu this for home but my my mother is 89 llvesis i easy for her" &p (chef)"we might say someone wants some picy fire roosted 3& tip number two: read labell (close on cans))in our fire spiced ones.. theres 30 percenntof the sodium for the day and in ouu regular ptomatoes its only percent - and we would tell people dd yyor ouw sodium sall spices.. to the quantityythey want as show grow up hungry &campaign.... chef...
Feb 8, 2013
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47 we handle thefts from automobiles aal tte timm ss it's not uncommonnto have these sorts of thefts buu connectinggthe dott as the &pmonths went on.butttbite 12:53:00 we started seeing a &ppattern where we had parks ann rec facilltiee werr the areaa where these thefts oocured. &pbutt bite12:55:22 and of had the victims whose id'ss -3 were being stooen now disguising themselves o take & money out of their bank accounts by someone using their identity. thhs woman was ccught on surveillancc & cameras at bank in harforr poinggjust that... pollce say she's likely in a renttl car. and otice how she's in the lane ffuthess ????away fromm the teller... a lane known in the bankkng indussry...as thh feeony lane.13:00:55 it 3 happens so quickly and honestly once it happens and the thief gets yoor mony their driving wittin a matter of 30 minutes they could be ell out of harford countyyand well on - their ay to beinn ouu of statt. our investigation hass found cases not only n & harford,,but anne arunnel, - montogomery and howarddand baltimore ccunties. ust last towson cashing checks stolen ffom women
47 we handle thefts from automobiles aal tte timm ss it's not uncommonnto have these sorts of thefts buu connectinggthe dott as the &pmonths went on.butttbite 12:53:00 we started seeing a &ppattern where we had parks ann rec facilltiee werr the areaa where these thefts oocured. &pbutt bite12:55:22 and of had the victims whose id'ss -3 were being stooen now disguising themselves o take & money out of their bank accounts by someone using their identity. thhs woman was ccught on...
Feb 20, 2013
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buu inssead... the deeendant chose to accept a plea deal. that allows prosecutors nd witnessess..oid a lengthy, emotionall trial. 3< "i think justice is going to pe done. when justice issa done ann everybody ets an opportunity for closure, then hopefully ittis good news.">>- news."> one f the bullets he ireddstrucc a dissbled student innthe chest. & that victim survivee.the judge will offiiially sentence him next monday..- 3 annn arundel county police seize tens of thousandd f dollars in drugs and cash... homm.officers arrested harrison hickman and samantha beatty monday at a home on pine terrace... near oakwood 3 marijuana, steroids and nearly 11-thousand dollars in cash ggns anndthoosands offrounds of ammunition.the paar... who -& are bbth 23... are facing 3 3 p recenttmass shootings have many peeple thinking of their fammiy safe. whhle sooe are turniig to guns... -3 others want a different option. option. joel d. smith is live in north baltimore to show s iffpepper spray could be the answer for you... but also why a certification could be necessary. ood morning jool d. d. 3 3 3
buu inssead... the deeendant chose to accept a plea deal. that allows prosecutors nd witnessess..oid a lengthy, emotionall trial. 3< "i think justice is going to pe done. when justice issa done ann everybody ets an opportunity for closure, then hopefully ittis good news.">>- news."> one f the bullets he ireddstrucc a dissbled student innthe chest. & that victim survivee.the judge will offiiially sentence him next monday..- 3 annn arundel county police seize tens...
Feb 13, 2013
eye 221
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buu it's not always easy to comeeby. 3 cold cuts, fruut, bread, box & cereal aad water and sodas andhey just opened theebar to -3 pivvepeople ree beer and 3 couple of lines, it takes 3 - and a half hours to get food. food.two tuggoats are towing the disabled liner to mobile, alabamm.but at aawhopping 7-mill-an--our rate... they're not xpected to reach port until omorroo.oncc in port... the passengers will ggt a free pflighh home, a full refund for this trip and credit for -3 another cruise... if ttey're -& willinn. 3 mounds of sowwccntiiue to & pb a problem for reeidents in &&pthh northeast.so to heep cleaa &pthe ssreetssmore quickly... - the town of aterbury, connecticut is hiring eens... tt help shovvllit out. 3 of tthe32 schooll in & waterbury... none of them haa when hundreds offstudeets showed up... to get to work. they're being paid a minimum wage... which issmoney that 3 students say... it's not aboot phe monny. 3 (last sot) "like,,it beats stayiig in the house for 4 days straight ithout school - so i just wanted to come hhlp, especially the elementary schools." bbfore the day
buu it's not always easy to comeeby. 3 cold cuts, fruut, bread, box & cereal aad water and sodas andhey just opened theebar to -3 pivvepeople ree beer and 3 couple of lines, it takes 3 - and a half hours to get food. food.two tuggoats are towing the disabled liner to mobile, alabamm.but at aawhopping 7-mill-an--our rate... they're not xpected to reach port until omorroo.oncc in port... the passengers will ggt a free pflighh home, a full refund for this trip and credit for -3 another...
Feb 11, 2013
eye 141
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buu before ttat happenn... thee plannnng begins and you caanbe 9--m... can vott onn erica's dress... & 3 and each day for theeress of the week...we'lllbeeasking for -3 your vote on other etailssof &ptheewedding...right uppunnil - the happy couple say " i & do"... llve oo fox45 morning &pnews... on friiay, feeruary 15. 3 still to ome... vaaentine's day is jjsttaround the corner. cornerr""his is the suppr bowl for the love innustrr""- industtyythe three steps one relationshippeeertt claims.... can help anyone find love. 3 the grammy stage... graced with both old and new faces. -3 phe party atmosphere... at the -3&pmusic nnuutry's bbggest event. 3 ((break 22) 3 from taylor swift nd mmmford and sons to justin ttmberlake and jaa-z...rocked out sunday night at the 55th annual grammy awards. martha shade has a look at the highhights. highlights. 3 theemusic industryycelebrated its own with a night of pooerful peeformances.justin timberlake 3 returned to the grammy stage after affur-year hiaaus,, performinn hissnew single & "suit and tie" as the screen wwnt epia
buu before ttat happenn... thee plannnng begins and you caanbe 9--m... can vott onn erica's dress... & 3 and each day for theeress of the week...we'lllbeeasking for -3 your vote on other etailssof &ptheewedding...right uppunnil - the happy couple say " i & do"... llve oo fox45 morning &pnews... on friiay, feeruary 15. 3 still to ome... vaaentine's day is jjsttaround the corner. cornerr""his is the suppr bowl for the love innustrr""- industtyythe...
Feb 2, 2013
eye 329
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buu ... if fans gee out of ccntrol..icc say they'll be ready readd policeesay.... & uniiormed and undercover - officers... will be deployed &pto prime bar neighborhoods like federrl hiil, fells point pnd canton.. the - department sayy it'' prepared for fann to celebrate,,like thhy did ollowing the ravens' p-f-c titll game bout two weekssago.. but police ssy under control. 3&p(canddce/fan) "no, not too ut of control.. no urinating in that.. just, hopefully - everybody hhving fun and ggtting along and no fights!" fights!" police say officers ill also be aa -&pheadquarters monitoring those feeds from stattonary andd hhlicopter cameras. police haae ther plans tomorrow.. tomorrow..they'reegoing to have d-u-i... detection units throughout the city. they're also shutting down a loo of - streets deepnding on how &plarge crrwdssare. for a complete list of the closures... headdto fox - baatimore-dot-command look for the street closures unddr our top stories. 3 ravens ans weee geeting pumpee up in purple duringg celebration at the
buu ... if fans gee out of ccntrol..icc say they'll be ready readd policeesay.... & uniiormed and undercover - officers... will be deployed &pto prime bar neighborhoods like federrl hiil, fells point pnd canton.. the - department sayy it'' prepared for fann to celebrate,,like thhy did ollowing the ravens' p-f-c titll game bout two weekssago.. but police ssy under control. 3&p(canddce/fan) "no, not too ut of control.. no urinating in that.. just, hopefully - everybody hhving fun...
Feb 12, 2013
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the buu... were injured...///.spence... teachhr ...at... manchester vallee hhgh school..- 3 police... arrest... &ppnd ccarge... a man... connected with a fatal night club shhoting... in west 3 riccy horton... is -3 chargeddwith first degrre murder ...and assaalt... in the deathhof sean hodes.../. 33 three people... shot n january... at the... club... on... west north avenue near north pulaskii street...//. the pwner of thheclub... as alss charged... wiih operatiig the restturant as an illegal bar. aajudge will deeide llttr this month...if aateenagerrin montgomery county...accused of -killinn his baby siiter...will be charged as an adult or a juvenill. &pjuvenile.jonattan aguluiic -3 madeehissfiist appearance inn ccurtt odaa...investigators pay the death of the bbby papppned inssde this apartment in white oak.the mother offthe - baby... gloria yanes... llft to go tt work about 10-30 on thurrday nighh.aguiluc is 14 yeers old... and is the baby's protherraguiluc told policee phaa... when the baby staated -3 to cry...he cooered hhrrmoutt and no
the buu... were injured...///.spence... teachhr ...at... manchester vallee hhgh school..- 3 police... arrest... &ppnd ccarge... a man... connected with a fatal night club shhoting... in west 3 riccy horton... is -3 chargeddwith first degrre murder ...and assaalt... in the deathhof sean hodes.../. 33 three people... shot n january... at the... club... on... west north avenue near north pulaskii street...//. the pwner of thheclub... as alss charged... wiih operatiig the restturant as an...
Feb 21, 2013
eye 151
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buu he would not gooonncamera or elaborate. meanwhilee.. bowling center has no commmnt about were aaloweddinside. 3 investigators are blaming natural gas... for a deadly restaurant in kansas city, missouri. missouri.j-jjs as destroyed by a naaurrl gas fire tuesday night.offiiiall sayinn contracting company hit a gas -3 line withha backhoe an hhur called 9-1-11anddattempted oo vvnt gas innthe rea -- pissouriigas energy officials say sooethinn inside the -3 reetaurann triggered the explosion. 3 ward says: "we couud sse the smoke from the top of our bbildinn, so i guess when ww - aparrment was on fire, we 3 started or if we were gonna be on firee.." hurttin the blast... and at least one person is dead. inveetigators ae still trying to figurr of the exact caasee pf the blast. &p3 30 million people are in the path of storm that is xpected to covee 11 staaes in snow ann ice.ed payne tells ussabout someeof the states affected 3 the sttrm. storm. (nat pop)this... is souuhern & arizona... ass he massive up...coating the cactus and &ppall trees with
buu he would not gooonncamera or elaborate. meanwhilee.. bowling center has no commmnt about were aaloweddinside. 3 investigators are blaming natural gas... for a deadly restaurant in kansas city, missouri. missouri.j-jjs as destroyed by a naaurrl gas fire tuesday night.offiiiall sayinn contracting company hit a gas -3 line withha backhoe an hhur called 9-1-11anddattempted oo vvnt gas innthe rea -- pissouriigas energy officials say sooethinn inside the -3 reetaurann triggered the explosion. 3...
Feb 6, 2013
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buu twice... n thh same daa..t firsttgot loose from eden valley ranch early tuesday afternnon.the cowboys 3 prrng the animal back & safely... bbt t endeddup -33 getting out again later thaa lucky the second time around.a -3 minivannhii theecamel.a vet is &pcheckiig the annmal outteven p33 3 the worrd championssare back home, this morning! & mornnng!thousands of peoope delays toowelcome back thh hometown super bowl hamps! & kathleen caiinssrepoots on the crush of the crowd. crowd..&pflags guys" 3 (man blows horn) nnts" the celebration but thaa only 3pity hall....harbaugh says: "and we said e were going too takeeall he baltimoreeravenn ffns down to the uperdome and - felt you."from teammspirit to ed reeds song:((((two tickkts -3 to paradise))))thoosannd watcc as the biggest honoree..... &phonorsshis fans. lewis ays: "this is the ravens year, this home another rown!" 3 assthe parade moves slowly down prrtt street.... ladd ) -"its freaking amazing..its man) " this is history being own photos... of fan
buu twice... n thh same daa..t firsttgot loose from eden valley ranch early tuesday afternnon.the cowboys 3 prrng the animal back & safely... bbt t endeddup -33 getting out again later thaa lucky the second time around.a -3 minivannhii theecamel.a vet is &pcheckiig the annmal outteven p33 3 the worrd championssare back home, this morning! & mornnng!thousands of peoope delays toowelcome back thh hometown super bowl hamps! & kathleen caiinssrepoots on the crush of the crowd....
Feb 19, 2013
eye 376
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buu she's not sittinn ssill for ong! longgtheenew gig...and.. our freebbuary & cootest continues.the jackpot pe're draaing anotherrnamm.. 3 mmiutes. you'rr all locaa.. all morning. 3 ((break 1)) 3 3 3pnats of laughher they say ... llughttr is the best mediiine..and some in venezuula are takkng that to heart.some are turninn to -"laughter yooa" to combat the stress oo everyday llfe in onee oo the countryys more dangerous cities. contiiuud lauggter with elementt offyygic breathingg 3 3 3 - 33 3 3 3- &p3 -33 3 miccael jaakson's oldest son... has a hhgh powered job... at on your television. televisioo. you're watching fox 45 morning nnws.. all local.. all morning. p3 ((break 2)) 3 3 3 new this mooningg..the police -3 academy training facility --3& uspeeded after an accidental shoooing offaatrainee... iss expected to resuue operations. a baltimore ccty sppkeemaa says... it will resume classroom operations, but not fire armsstraaning. the aaademyywas put oonhold... 3 accideetallyyshotta traiieeein & the head duuinn an exercise in baltimore countt
buu she's not sittinn ssill for ong! longgtheenew gig...and.. our freebbuary & cootest continues.the jackpot pe're draaing anotherrnamm.. 3 mmiutes. you'rr all locaa.. all morning. 3 ((break 1)) 3 3 3pnats of laughher they say ... llughttr is the best mediiine..and some in venezuula are takkng that to heart.some are turninn to -"laughter yooa" to combat the stress oo everyday llfe in onee oo the countryys more dangerous cities. contiiuud lauggter with elementt offyygic breathingg...
Feb 12, 2013
eye 236
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went back - and took hhs own life one onnthe nly surviving rrommate -3 is at the hospiial with serious buu non-life threatening iijuries.the suspect was a studdnt at maryland... and all three & roommates weee malee 33 baltimore city policee make an arrest after a womaa is found dead in a house fire.police pay she was murdered. mmrderrd. the ody offjennifer & conyers waa found nside a charred home on high gate drive at suugrave aaenue. &ppolice say she was killed by monte carttr.policeesay the pww met n an online dating &ppebsite months ago.conyers was &pan h-iiv outreaah worker with the city's health departmmnt.. but her accused killer... is a man with a criminal history... acccrding to online court records... includes burglary, drug and theef charges.now, & second degree murddr. 3 (guglielmi) "i mean, i don't knoo what else to call him, -3 but n nimal bbhind for.. an -3 someone who dedicated her life to helping others."((s. &pstrachan/neighbor) "it doesn't 3 it's the simple act that somebody died... and it wasn't like it was naturallcauses.. somebody actually mmrdered her." & perr"police
went back - and took hhs own life one onnthe nly surviving rrommate -3 is at the hospiial with serious buu non-life threatening iijuries.the suspect was a studdnt at maryland... and all three & roommates weee malee 33 baltimore city policee make an arrest after a womaa is found dead in a house fire.police pay she was murdered. mmrderrd. the ody offjennifer & conyers waa found nside a charred home on high gate drive at suugrave aaenue. &ppolice say she was killed by monte...
Feb 11, 2013
eye 279
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. -3 buu, we are lloking ffo a fair deal, joe linta is looking for & a fair deal, and if e are able toa deaa done, ii more in the mmrkkt, if weeso choose. ut, we understand what the priority is." 3 33 meanwhile...now that the raves resident stars has aa medical desiiion to make...the ravens say thee..and terrell suggs....waittthe resultsof a seconddopinion on suggs' torn biceps...gettinn far llss 3 injury suggssuffereddbefore suggs just one start ttiss- season. 3 p we'll preview oriolls spring training...coming up tonight on sports unliiited... 3 --toss to vytas-- 3 3 3 3 a special guest 3 steals thh show....aa aa -3& california hockey game. game.this... is... "queen victoria the connor"... with her wrangler....//the bbrd was sitting... ccnter ice... at the akersfield condors ggme.../ but... didd't reelly carr forrthe location....//what... doos shh do? sse bolts! her.../ but... slips... n the ice.....queen vvctoria... &prinn... eventtully ettingg.. into tee penalty box...//she... then... goes into the players' tunnne... / & before finnlly getting ccught. that's all forr 3 fox44 nnws at
. -3 buu, we are lloking ffo a fair deal, joe linta is looking for & a fair deal, and if e are able toa deaa done, ii more in the mmrkkt, if weeso choose. ut, we understand what the priority is." 3 33 meanwhile...now that the raves resident stars has aa medical desiiion to make...the ravens say thee..and terrell suggs....waittthe resultsof a seconddopinion on suggs' torn biceps...gettinn far llss 3 injury suggssuffereddbefore suggs just one start ttiss- season. 3 p we'll preview...
Feb 13, 2013
eye 214
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the triumph experienced an & electrical problem with one of its alternators abbut a week ago buu arnivalays it as fixxd, passed inssection, andd had nothing to do with the recent ngine fire. "and again & we still have no owerrsoo food, prooide hot drinks, eec." two years ago, an engine ire on carnivvl's splendor left conditions or two ays in thee pacific ocean. "unfortunately i think with arnival this is -3 just a baddccincidence for them hat its happened on two of heir ships in this market. i'veeno reason to believe in aayyay not a first class operator.. 3 the ship is expecttd to arrive 33 afternoon. straight ahead... & the jobless pateeii riiing among younger workkrs. he reason whyyolder workers re moreelikely to get hhred. 3 in less thaa 10 & minutes.. we wiil be piccing the name of the lucky person & who can win 100 dollars.to get your name in the box.. go to facebook ddt com slash foxbaltimore and fill out the form.you can also go there to read complete conteet ules. 3 ((breaa 3)) 3 3 3 the riiing unemployment has drawn the attention of ecooommsts. that rate for january was thirteen
the triumph experienced an & electrical problem with one of its alternators abbut a week ago buu arnivalays it as fixxd, passed inssection, andd had nothing to do with the recent ngine fire. "and again & we still have no owerrsoo food, prooide hot drinks, eec." two years ago, an engine ire on carnivvl's splendor left conditions or two ays in thee pacific ocean. "unfortunately i think with arnival this is -3 just a baddccincidence for them hat its happened on two of heir...
Feb 19, 2013
eye 98
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.- buu if you'rr ottcareful, your efund coulddbe going into the pockkts of hievee.minals are using stolen names and security ummers to 3 it. &p3piihaddinformation tolee through the mmil."it only took -3 a minutt for thieves o steal a credit card ssatemeet oot of bbandon barnhart's ailbox. pundreds f dollars in frauduleet charges."it was - shocking. basically, i didn't know how it could have ggtten stolen. yyu knoww i always get between 8 and 5 ssmebody came -33 along and got that piece. i 3 target both mailboxes and poomuters to sttal sensstivee informatioo.anyone can be a pictii of identity theft. iff yoo shop onllne, if yoo do banking online, if you do aay kind of transaction online whatsoever, you can be aa viitim of iidntity thhfttjjnny woods works at allte computers and sees victims of identity theft."it's aanevvryddy situatioo"the schhme seems simple but can be verr profitable."they are very pophisticatedd ii is not you, even though that can happen. mooe han likelyy what's goong to happen is they bucks out of youu account pvery coupll of weeks and they are goi
.- buu if you'rr ottcareful, your efund coulddbe going into the pockkts of hievee.minals are using stolen names and security ummers to 3 it. &p3piihaddinformation tolee through the mmil."it only took -3 a minutt for thieves o steal a credit card ssatemeet oot of bbandon barnhart's ailbox. pundreds f dollars in frauduleet charges."it was - shocking. basically, i didn't know how it could have ggtten stolen. yyu knoww i always get between 8 and 5 ssmebody came -33 along and got that...
Feb 4, 2013
eye 191
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a man buus a goot... they both love doritos...end, someone has to goo,3 another wwnnee?... 3 the hyundai teem ad. &pad nats local park. automotive wwbsite -3 "edmmnds -dot-coo" found that after this ad raa yesterddy... hyunndi saa a 738-percent increeae 3& in trafffc to pages aboot its sanna feemodel. 33 then there are the ads that the worst ds came from ppiceline... and godaadd-dot- ccmmerccal..d nats bleacher reportt 3 said it muss have been going for he gross out factor... but t has people talking today. 3 waa it really 45 akes?ittwas b/w 45-65 rumors werr it was -3 me but she asked for more too too 3 - model bar rafaeli apparently told the actor who plays thee "geek"... that he was a "good --3 kisser.. 3 coming uu... 3some snow flurries... n the foreccst. forecaat.meteorologgst - jonathhn mmers is back to let us know how muuh your -3&&pneighborhooo could see.yyu're - watching ox 45 good day baltimooe. 3 3 using social mediaato lose weight.why some dieters are turning to twitter monday on fox44 news at five..3 -3 3 áá7 day forr
a man buus a goot... they both love doritos...end, someone has to goo,3 another wwnnee?... 3 the hyundai teem ad. &pad nats local park. automotive wwbsite -3 "edmmnds -dot-coo" found that after this ad raa yesterddy... hyunndi saa a 738-percent increeae 3& in trafffc to pages aboot its sanna feemodel. 33 then there are the ads that the worst ds came from ppiceline... and godaadd-dot- ccmmerccal..d nats bleacher reportt 3 said it muss have been going for he gross out factor......
Feb 8, 2013
eye 194
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. & it'ssa pattern the reporr 3 baltimore nto the red for pears to comee &p3 buu some say there's anothernse that'' not being -3 scrutinizedd thh city's generous use of tax breaks to pure develloers. breaas projects likk inner harbor east possible, but othees argue are unnecesssry and rob -3 revenue because the nee development doesn'' pay txes -3& for years. 3 2:30:28"it's a zero summgamee becuase while yoo may attract niie, the services that keep people and attract people to -3 tth ityu continue to deteriorate." 3 tonighh t ten... we examine just hhw muchhthese city. joy epola foxx455news -3 at 5:33..- 3 how are thh roads ooking onight? ponight?brandd proctor hs report. & 3 ááááooly camerasááá no maps!!!! &pgreenspring3 liberty bat natl pike ,3&pshawann,3 395 3 3 one weee from oday... they will be man aad wife. wife. 3 ttis morniig ... we....gave away... ... dream wedding ...on fox45 morning neww... - to... one... of &pthe.... newss.. & for our wiiner. winner.22:57:58 and the winnerr - is... erica and arthuráápause for her cryingáácongrauallions guys thank ouim speechless... youre in tta
. & it'ssa pattern the reporr 3 baltimore nto the red for pears to comee &p3 buu some say there's anothernse that'' not being -3 scrutinizedd thh city's generous use of tax breaks to pure develloers. breaas projects likk inner harbor east possible, but othees argue are unnecesssry and rob -3 revenue because the nee development doesn'' pay txes -3& for years. 3 2:30:28"it's a zero summgamee becuase while yoo may attract niie, the services that keep people and attract people to...
Feb 12, 2013
eye 305
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buu you doo't have o go backkto thh bayou to experiencc mardi grrs.... p33 joelld. smith is grace to see how that town is creating a tradition of its own when it comes to fat tuesdayy good morning joel d...... why mardi gras in havre de grace? grace? 3 3 3 3 3 the b-more returns to altimore.... saturdaa, ffbruary 233d. 23rddyou can getthealth screenings....see 3 stages of &pálivee entertainment... a fit and fun kidss one... and much much more. more.tte b-more healthy expo starts aa 10 a-m at the baltimore convention center. 33 3 commng up... 3 roads ii coonecticut... continue to be a headachhefor privers... after last week''sbbizzzrd. blizzard.why many f them wwn'ttbb cleaaed of snow... pntil áfriday.á 3you're watccing 3 fox 45 morning you'rr watching fox 45 morning you're watching fox 5 morning youure watchhngg fox 45 mornnng news.. all loccl.. all morning. 3 ((bump out)) p3 [ boy ] eggo! [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ]
buu you doo't have o go backkto thh bayou to experiencc mardi grrs.... p33 joelld. smith is grace to see how that town is creating a tradition of its own when it comes to fat tuesdayy good morning joel d...... why mardi gras in havre de grace? grace? 3 3 3 3 3 the b-more returns to altimore.... saturdaa, ffbruary 233d. 23rddyou can getthealth screenings....see 3 stages of &pálivee entertainment... a fit and fun kidss one... and much much more. more.tte b-more healthy expo starts aa 10 a-m...
Feb 14, 2013
eye 214
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buu one for your vvlennine../ .. all you have to do... iss iss and the second burger is free..- 3 valenttnes day... 3 iss.. often filled... &withhflowers, .../ chocolate... and... rooantic &ppdinees foo two. 3 but kathleen cairns findd a &ppaltimoreecouuny.....that only 'words' ccn describe. 3 & 3 snnp-if a picture is wooth a -3 thousand worrs... then thhs &&ppouppe... ouuddmmke a book.. 3 (side two shot)"yeah..we laugh a lot..yeah we do.. more then aad dianne met more thhn a decade ago:"im a nurse ive been a 33 nurse for 30 sme years.." jim has had strokes andd seezures... "jim aad me mett. tell them where we mett.we &pme....he was one of myy 3& (two shoo)"they put a feedingg tube in him cause e coulddnot & cant descriie... (close on -3 him)"how i new what love was ccuse being with her.. i ccnn define it at all thats what makes it sseeiallwiih her" -and- togeetee they have livee deatt.... (side pnnle..eeotiinal)"causs a never know if you wake upp.. 3 wiih him" nd it's jim's - wwods... that haae lead to have something or diaan... "a surpr
buu one for your vvlennine../ .. all you have to do... iss iss and the second burger is free..- 3 valenttnes day... 3 iss.. often filled... &withhflowers, .../ chocolate... and... rooantic &ppdinees foo two. 3 but kathleen cairns findd a &ppaltimoreecouuny.....that only 'words' ccn describe. 3 & 3 snnp-if a picture is wooth a -3 thousand worrs... then thhs &&ppouppe... ouuddmmke a book.. 3 (side two shot)"yeah..we laugh a lot..yeah we do.. more then aad dianne met...
Feb 6, 2013
eye 498
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"i seen them scuffling and fighting buu all f them got up and scattered ann then lookee ight here on his side of the streettand that's what happened, and lookee over and everybooy was surrounned, a little young guyy,young guy." one of the ictims is at this hour. the other victim is exppcced to live. meannime, police say he departmeet's surreillance cameras have provided detectiies with good evidencc. live in downtown baltimooe, kd., fox 45 news it could still be dayy before we find out what caused that massive power outage during the super bowl. bowl.a third arry is now investigating the outage that lasted 34 minutes.iis come out that supprrome offfcials warned just months before the super bowl that venue's eleetrical system could fail. here at home...the md stadium authoriiy hhdda briefing lighting systems at m & ttand camden yards.we're told oth facilities are on a separate hopefuuly prevent any lighttng disastees. "wiih respect to new orleans, wwth like anything else to from those events" &events" officials in new orreans say &pdespite sunday's lighting dissster, it will make a bi
"i seen them scuffling and fighting buu all f them got up and scattered ann then lookee ight here on his side of the streettand that's what happened, and lookee over and everybooy was surrounned, a little young guyy,young guy." one of the ictims is at this hour. the other victim is exppcced to live. meannime, police say he departmeet's surreillance cameras have provided detectiies with good evidencc. live in downtown baltimooe, kd., fox 45 news it could still be dayy before we find...
Feb 16, 2013
eye 343
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buu that seal told esquire magaainn the miliiary has abandoned hhm.e served 16 years, weet on hundrrdd of missions and hh pets o pension, zero pension. the commander of all navy -3 quote- "this former seal made a ddliberate ann informed & decisson to leave tte nnvy -3 severallyears short of officiil ssoweddthat memo to cnn, but t was nnver meant for theepublic. the commander senttit to the seal ccmmmnity, & accusations thaa he had arthritii, eyy amaae aad blown discs, buu no health care or pension. the seal commander says he voluntarily left the service - despite the option to stay in... quote ""laims to the connrary are & false."that goes against everything we are taught. wee donnt complain.john mcguire -3 sayy everyone knowssgoing in - 3 pension.itts raae that someone gees out at 16. ut i ave a lot of respect forrsooeonn who pnnws when hey're done. coming up... 3 a big hange... is coming to the miss america pageant.whatt you'll otice... sttrting ext & fall. &p 3 ((ambee ive tease)) & 3 ááadlib verr3 ááaalib over weather shotáá- live look pratt 3&pst
buu that seal told esquire magaainn the miliiary has abandoned hhm.e served 16 years, weet on hundrrdd of missions and hh pets o pension, zero pension. the commander of all navy -3 quote- "this former seal made a ddliberate ann informed & decisson to leave tte nnvy -3 severallyears short of officiil ssoweddthat memo to cnn, but t was nnver meant for theepublic. the commander senttit to the seal ccmmmnity, & accusations thaa he had arthritii, eyy amaae aad blown discs, buu no health...
Feb 14, 2013
eye 220
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.- 11:09:17 when yyo have major thefts from staff it hurtt at home buu in terms of - aaheivement theoyy hhve donn thee meassued us over a 5 year peeiod. period..the school board also 3 for baltimore ivitas and baltiiore freedom acaddmy. & 3ptoday, governor o'malley will ttetify before a senatt - judicial committee....to & repeal the deett penalty n -& maryland.o'malley ays he believes the geneeal assembly -3&phassthe will o banncapital -3punishmenttthisssession.senate ppesident mike miller is a - supportee of capitall punishmentt.. but believes the - repeal legislaaion will ass push ffrra repeal in 2009, but pfell short. -3p3 theeolympic sprinter... wwoo beccmm knnwn arouud the worldd as "the lade runner"... is 3 they received a ccll from the -3 home oo oscar pissoriuss.. about ssooting.when officers arrrved... they found - paramedicsstrying to revvvv a 30-yyar-old womannwho haddbeen shht aa unsppcified uuber of at the sccne... and officers say they found a 9-milllmeter pistol at the scenn. -& they ook the 26-year-ood runner into custody. he later ttday. 3 the admitted gunman bbhind
.- 11:09:17 when yyo have major thefts from staff it hurtt at home buu in terms of - aaheivement theoyy hhve donn thee meassued us over a 5 year peeiod. period..the school board also 3 for baltimore ivitas and baltiiore freedom acaddmy. & 3ptoday, governor o'malley will ttetify before a senatt - judicial committee....to & repeal the deett penalty n -& maryland.o'malley ays he believes the geneeal assembly -3&phassthe will o banncapital -3punishmenttthisssession.senate ppesident...
Feb 12, 2013
eye 272
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two police aaso were hit by gunfire buu were protectee bb their armored pestt. &p3pbbltimore... policc... name aa - second suspeet ...in the stabbing of a 14- year- old...//..uthooities... will not give names of thee years- old..../shortly affer... 10... last night ... the victim... was & slasheddin the throat....near garrison nd liberty pavv a motive. 3 a state llwmaker wants to reducethe penalties for simplee possessiooof marijuana.senator bobby zirkin wants tomake -3 possession offless thanten grams of "pot" a civil offense. that meens ffendeesswouldnot &pissued citttion...with a fiie of no more thann100-ddllars. 3 ii... ess than ...ffurrhours... president &pbarack obama... willl eliier -3 his fourthhstaae ff he nion address. president obama... talked bout the economy in his first stateeof the nion 3 officials say... yoo'll hear more on ittagain toniggt...as the presddent outliness new jobs and help expand the middle class.while pnemployment is down under thh obama administration, it's still at 7-point-9 peecent. republicans ut the onus on the presidentt 3&p27--3"wwe re aa a
two police aaso were hit by gunfire buu were protectee bb their armored pestt. &p3pbbltimore... policc... name aa - second suspeet ...in the stabbing of a 14- year- old...//..uthooities... will not give names of thee years- old..../shortly affer... 10... last night ... the victim... was & slasheddin the throat....near garrison nd liberty pavv a motive. 3 a state llwmaker wants to reducethe penalties for simplee possessiooof marijuana.senator bobby zirkin wants tomake -3 possession...
Feb 13, 2013
eye 179
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&pcusttmers... 3 (rydell) "thh offshore wind & bill is beinn praised by enviroomennalists buu ssme criticsn annapolis &pqueesion why bgg ratepayers hhve to subsiiize the project." "wwo ccressaaouu their 3 theii grandccildrr, yeah, pe're gging to save them." environmentalists all it the most importantissue this session.they're promooing wind -33 powee...and a bill to build winn turbbnes....ff the atlantic coast."sootthy an have good, clean, renewable -3 energy.""climate change s real."gooernoo o'maaley tells members of a enate committee...offshore wind...is ccucial toward bbossing... renewable eneegg goals..(governor) and every megawatt hour of wind that we &pgenerate here n maryland is a megawatt hour we do not generaae from imported fossil turbinns...aae up and running...utility ratepayers...will have to shell out...an average off1.50 p onth...forrat least...20 &pyears. (pipkin) "wwo's goingg po pay to et it rom out in the ocean onno the oaatline all of us are gging to do - thatt.((yddll) ""enatt president mmke miller ctually --3 aatended ttday's rally n behalf of ind power and he's &pmam
&pcusttmers... 3 (rydell) "thh offshore wind & bill is beinn praised by enviroomennalists buu ssme criticsn annapolis &pqueesion why bgg ratepayers hhve to subsiiize the project." "wwo ccressaaouu their 3 theii grandccildrr, yeah, pe're gging to save them." environmentalists all it the most importantissue this session.they're promooing wind -33 powee...and a bill to build winn turbbnes....ff the atlantic coast."sootthy an have good, clean, renewable -3...
Feb 18, 2013
eye 294
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&palcoool causes "tenntimes as &pmany deaths as it preveetss. 3best buu... is...etting 3 pppice matching" policy. policy.neettmonth... - the store... will match the price... of any item sold... by... competitors... along... wwhnever... a customerr asks...//.the move... folllws - a tempooary price matching caapiagn... that took pllcc ddring the &pholiday season. &p3 forget the new suit or -3printing out your resume... // interriew could be n twitter. companiis... are using so- find potentiaa employers...//. iisttad of a formallinterview, companies tweet out aa & queetion... anddyouutweet back an ansser - in 140 characttrs or less....//some employers -3ssy companies an learn a llt from your tweets. 3 p3 (rapper)"".. ecause thhse ccildrenndid not need toodiee" dde." a baltimore rap artist 33 the shooting massacre n - newtown...now has an unusuall 3 3 --adblib weather tz--
&palcoool causes "tenntimes as &pmany deaths as it preveetss. 3best buu... is...etting 3 pppice matching" policy. policy.neettmonth... - the store... will match the price... of any item sold... by... competitors... along... wwhnever... a customerr asks...//.the move... folllws - a tempooary price matching caapiagn... that took pllcc ddring the &pholiday season. &p3 forget the new suit or -3printing out your resume... // interriew could be n twitter. companiis... are...
Feb 8, 2013
eye 167
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buu the terps ending up olding off virginia tech winning 60-55 3 that's all for the 3 late edition...or joininggus.i'm jeff barnd... barndd..
buu the terps ending up olding off virginia tech winning 60-55 3 that's all for the 3 late edition...or joininggus.i'm jeff barnd... barndd..
Feb 23, 2013
eye 400
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aad i will 3 just keep on making my caae & nottonly to ongress buu mmre 3 ppoplee" after talks -3 with a areequeetion from the press in the oval offfce and said he's still optimmstic there can be bigger bbdgee deal to head off massive, inniscriminate also been veryyclear that therees an alternative. which - ii for us to takk the ind of balanccd approach that i & presented, wwere we had more & strrttgic uts on programs ww pon'ttneed, and ww close some tax loooholee thaa aaeetakke advantage of by only the well connected and the well off." is coming from speeker john boehherrs office, which todayy charged the president hassbeen 3calls to goo leaders yesterddy and declared (quute) "soundbiies ann speechesswon't - yield results." yet the administration cootinuee the drumbeat of gloom ann oom .... withh lahooddwarnnng airport wait timee and traffic control are -33 aboot to beccme evee moor f a &pmesslahood says "flights too -3 majoo cities llke ny, hicago, and san francisco and others could experience delays of p & to 90 inutts duriig peak connrrllers on staff." republican rand aul today 3 p
aad i will 3 just keep on making my caae & nottonly to ongress buu mmre 3 ppoplee" after talks -3 with a areequeetion from the press in the oval offfce and said he's still optimmstic there can be bigger bbdgee deal to head off massive, inniscriminate also been veryyclear that therees an alternative. which - ii for us to takk the ind of balanccd approach that i & presented, wwere we had more & strrttgic uts on programs ww pon'ttneed, and ww close some tax loooholee thaa...
Feb 15, 2013
eye 312
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./ buu... no batteriissin themm.. o aleet & the amiiy.../ thht... mayyhave dellyed their eesape. 3 < well you can never say whaa -& wwuld've happpned, but we doo knnw that smoke alarms... occurred."> 3 the state fire marhsal... ii investigatinn. ... ttey''ee ssill rying to ffgure out... pxactty what sparked the flames. & 3 proond 7-45 this mooning near & arounn 7-45 thissit happeeed around 7-45 this mornnng near waugh chapel road and silver way.police sayy18-year-old alexis llwis as killed wwen pine.. and collided with a county alone... there weee 60 3p3 3 the... cold,... morniig... ave... way to sunshine... aad a clear day in baltimore. baltimoree.- 3 put will it beemore of the - pame tommrroo?& tomorrow? peteorologist vvtas reiidfor a look aa what's hhppeeinn noww 3 3 3 33 ww have reaking news oot of alabama tonnght. after ore & nightmare cruusee he passengers are finally free from the caannval triumph & cruise shipp theeship lost powee aftte n engine room -3 fire and the passengers were &ptrapped in a ship without any comforrs orrevvn workingg -3
./ buu... no batteriissin themm.. o aleet & the amiiy.../ thht... mayyhave dellyed their eesape. 3 < well you can never say whaa -& wwuld've happpned, but we doo knnw that smoke alarms... occurred."> 3 the state fire marhsal... ii investigatinn. ... ttey''ee ssill rying to ffgure out... pxactty what sparked the flames. & 3 proond 7-45 this mooning near & arounn 7-45 thissit happeeed around 7-45 this mornnng near waugh chapel road and silver way.police sayy18-year-old...
Feb 6, 2013
eye 190
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we know how - important it is to brush oou 3 buu whha aboot ourrpets?upp - nexxt..ae surr your pet has a ealthy outh. p3 and monopoly as you know it... is about to change.which game piece i etting the boot... and what it's eeng reppacee &ppitt.yoo're wwtccing fox 44 - good day altimooe. - p( “no one had to tell me, 'you've got to stop drinking or doing drugs.' i knew that i was going to give those things up.” “all i know is that when i left that night, i knew that my life was different. that i had truly meant business this time.” “i just cannot wait to get to heaven. i just cannot wait to see the person that did that for me.” 3 brushhyourrteeth and make suue & your dog'ssteeth arr clean too... february is national pet ddntal month. r..mary ziik rom the baltimore humane soccety joins us ttii orning wiih mmre. hhw can we make 3 sureeour pet haashhalthy teeth? siins of unhealthy teeth in should ww take ourrpet to the &pdeetist?dr.mary zznn will be &answwring any questions you the next half hour. hour. & 3 so if yoo have question... -& send us a tweet at fox baltimore o
we know how - important it is to brush oou 3 buu whha aboot ourrpets?upp - nexxt..ae surr your pet has a ealthy outh. p3 and monopoly as you know it... is about to change.which game piece i etting the boot... and what it's eeng reppacee &ppitt.yoo're wwtccing fox 44 - good day altimooe. - p( “no one had to tell me, 'you've got to stop drinking or doing drugs.' i knew that i was going to give those things up.” “all i know is that when i left that night, i knew that my life was...