tiktok changed my life for the better and allowed cafe emporos to thrive and to continue.been for tiktok and those viral videos, cafe emporos would not be around today. (♪) ego, the #1 rated brand in cordless outdoor power, pushes the boundaries of innovation to power the unexpected, all on one battery platform. experience the industry's most powerful cordless pressure washer with advanced digital controls. a string trimmer so smart it loads the line with the push of a button. and our most powerful blower that exceeds the power of gas. ego takes innovation to the next level. one battery powers 90+ tools. ego power beyond belief. find an ego retailer near you. (music playing) learning is hard work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith, it must move upward toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning. god and freedom is essential to learning, it's principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom, these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. i had the worst dream last night. you were in a car crash and the kid