it's kind of crazy. >> vice president caminong: any other comments or questions? great. this meeting is adjourned at 7:37 p.m. >> welcome back. section p. following the closed session, i am going to readout the actions from tonight's closed session -- tonight's closed session. by a vote of 7 ayes -- the board, by a vote of seven ayes approved the contract of three principals. the board, by a vote of seven ayes, approved the contract of four assistant principals. in the matter of w.s. versus sfusd, o.a.h. case number 2019010983, sfusd versus wsoah, case number 2019020406, hernandez versus sfusd, 317 c.v. 05258 sk, the board here by gives the authority to pay up to the stipulated amount, divers gc 184456455, and for matters of anticipated litigation, the board by a vote of seven ayes, provided direction to general counsel. the board, by a vote of six ayes, one absent, loeps, approved issuing notices to two contractors that their contracts will not be renewed. the board approved by a vote of seven ayes to one principal that their contracts will not be renewed. the board, by