i'm joined by my guess, carla nixon in washington. he's a political animals in columbus. we have missy winston. she is an activist and host of action for a size and in miami we cross to entry wong. she is a miami executive district committee woman. alright gentlemen, and ladies across top rolls in effect, that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated. let me go to miss the 1st step because garland diane have a little bit of an advantage of you ladies on this program cuz we're just a lot older. okay, so let me see, and i, i watch the car ones input after this. you know, i've been watching presidential debates since 1976 do the math so you can figure out how old i am. okay. but, and this the, that was something very, very different. develop this debate than any other presidential bait. what was it? um, well i would say that uh, i can't really think of much difference. there was really no substance. there was really nothing that um, i mean it was interesting to me because i felt like uh, there was definitely a setup where at the moderators were certainly