ten seconds, cartman. - i can hear, kyle. just tell me when to go. - ...by 60%.t got word somebody might try to faith hill this event. - lock down the whole perimeter. nobody's faith hilling. not on my watch. [applause] - i think they're on to us, guys. let's do this. - the one thing, talking about concerns about the, uh, the military and veterans, i'm very proud that i get twice as many donations-- - i got it. - hey, somebody's under the stage! - go, cartman! [dramatic music] ♪ ♪ [camera shutter clicks] - we got it, we got it! - go, go, go, go! - [laughs] that was sweet, you guys! - first, there was planking: people taking pictures of themselves in a planked position and putting the photos on the internet. planking was soon replaced by owling, and after the super bowl, by bradying. but the newest meme involves pulling the shirt out to look like boobs. it's called faith hilling, and all around the world, people are doing it. kids, adults, even some notable celebrities are getting into the act. but as faith hilling becomes more and more popular, the question on ev