came the cheerssof men and women in uniform...our yearr of hard work, nearly 1,000 midshipmen became commissioned officers.defense secretarr leon panetta adressed the ccass of 2012.... cclling on the nnw generatiin maritimeeroots. 08:35:58- 08:36:13"one of the key projects thattyour ggneration will have to face is sustaining and enhancing american strength across the great maritime region of the 3acific," panetta ssid their work will strennthen defense ties with old allies like japan and korea....... and help build new partnerships with countrres likeemalaysia, vietnam and singapore. good day for getttng motivated. a new exercise app will force &pyou to hit the gym... or pay the pricc. is called "gym pact"... and it requires users to work out a certain number of times a workout.some people trying it out... ssy it definitely motivates you. komaiko : "i tried a lot of stufffand i found that i really just wasn't sticking with anythhng."-butt to- komaiko: "yoo go to the gym, you make money,,you don't go to the gym you lose money. " "