teachers' union contract. so she asked again, was denied again, then she quit her job and filed a lawsuit in federal court in chicagoying she was forced to choose between her job and her religion. now the department of justice has slapped the district with a lawsuit saying the district discriminated against her, violated the civil rights act of 1964 by failing to accommodate her religious practices. the feds now want the school to give her back her job, to give her all her back pay and to pay damages which so far are undisclosed. now, critics say, look, if she has a sabbatical she can take, she should take it. if she's not allowed to, she should not. the school district, by the way, has not yet commented. we called 'em, they're not talking about this at all, and we should note the hajj this year was in november. but because the muslims follow the lunar calendar, the hajj slips forward 11 days every year. still no comment, the justice department filing that lawsuit against the berkeley school district, megyn. megyn: all right, trace, thanks. one federal court ruling and suddenly the health care overhaul debate is rag