. >> chris dickey, the last time i interviewed you over the news, france, marie le pen and the par right in france. is something similar going on in the united states, where there's an appeal towards demagoguery, blaming immigrants. >> let step back for a hotel. this guy is an entertainer. he's amusing. we can debate about him. you don't have to think. statements. >> there's a double digit leads. we are a long way from the elections. he's not the republican nominee. i don't believe for a second he will be. he may be the third party. hoyne may become the president -- hillary clinton may united states. >> i'm from california, the land of ronald reagan and arnold schwarzenegger. trump is like an arnold schwarzenegger. in the world of infotainment and celebrity branding he could go. >> you said he could go. you have been in politics for 30 years, you believe he could go. >> i think that i would predict fall. >> go where? >> as a republican nominee. >> but where is he goings, that's what we are trying to figure out. >> as a nominee of the party. nominee. >> no. stage. >> you hope, you hoping.