and chuck lewis was the keynote speaker. chuck lewis but the founding directer for the center of public integrity, a leading investigative reporting organization that studies political power. and chuck told the story that they had studied every leading power broker in washington, every influence-peddling organization from the chamber of commerce to others. and he said, they all hire former members of congress. they all hire former staff members from the hill. but fannie and freddie were the only ones that the center had ever studied that hired the spouses and children of the former staff members and the former members of congress. that's how much political power they sought to have. in fact, at that conference, ralph, you might remember nobody would ask any questions. they were afraid to ask questions. so ralph was up at the front of the room, and he had to hand out index cards so that people could pass their questions forward because if you asked a question in public about fannie or freddie, you were put on a list. you got