clovis kaboga-miller/son- "we've been searching for her everyday, but this is the first on this scale."family, friends and complete strangers hold posters and hand out fliers to passersby with 66-year-old wamaitha kaboga-millers picture and information attached.her son clovis says she was last seen a week ago...the morning of friday the 17th...when surveillance video captured her inside the country time market.directly across the street from where kaboga- miller's family saturday stagged the command center for her search.clovis kaboga- miller/son- "i met with the sergeant of, uh, palo alto police department. he was out here earlier today. and, they're, uh, conducting their own search."jay graviano/clovis ' friend- "we're all really worried about her. um, we want to bring her home."jay graviano and his friends all went to high school with clovis.they sifted nearby san francisquito creek and other marsh and baylands in the area. wamaitha kaboga-miller is considered at-risk because of the number of prescription drugs she takes for a medical clovis kaboga-miller/son- "we think she'd be so