with this advert for its new plastic bottle released in one thousand nine hundred seventy five coca-cola barry's ass and honest report once and for all. it's life's tough it's easy to let. the american company never looks back coca-cola imposes its plastic bottle everywhere and then isn't the only one flooding the market it's a tidal wave from the eighty's on would plastic devastates beaches. and the first ecologists begin to protest against pollution. certain american states consider a forced return of the deposit. little do they know the company's immense power. coca-cola has been a significant force behind. fighting legislation that would put deposits on containers or put some kind of price on packaging waste there are newsletters that talk about all the successes that coca-cola is having around the country and it's almost like this great you know celebration letter every day every week we defeated this deposit system in this state and we defeated it here why do you think they were fighting so hard against deposit system want is the reason behind this because ultimately it means it means high