Aug 1, 2011
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crayons. you want to sit in a chair?i need to do what i need to do. >> you help nana cook? do you eat spaghetti you like spaghetti. you should see what we get to eat you want to say ewe! >> he's doing things like talking good, singing, playing one, two, three, freeze. now you freeze. go. freeze, freeze. i have to take this like a blessing. the way i was living out there, i wasn't there with him anyway. i was there physically, but not emotionally. >> are you going to leave? go bye-bye. >> mommy, nana come? >> yeah, nana's coming. >> coming? >> no, mamma's not coming, baby. i love you. i love you. bye, baby. >> come on big boy. >> ready? give mommy kiss one more time. >> i love you. i'll see you soon. >> soon. >> be a good girl. >> good girl. >> i will. you be good. >> you be good for nana? okay. >> say bye-bye. >> all right. let's go. >> this is the worst part, watching him leave, when he asks me if i'm coming. what do you say to that? and the worst part is i have no idea when it's coming. i can't say mamma will be home s
crayons. you want to sit in a chair?i need to do what i need to do. >> you help nana cook? do you eat spaghetti you like spaghetti. you should see what we get to eat you want to say ewe! >> he's doing things like talking good, singing, playing one, two, three, freeze. now you freeze. go. freeze, freeze. i have to take this like a blessing. the way i was living out there, i wasn't there with him anyway. i was there physically, but not emotionally. >> are you going to leave? go...
Aug 28, 2011
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crayons? >> $6. people really looking to save money on everything. a lot of people are shopping for crayon prices. >> okay. and you have the ipad 2. how do you fd the lowest price on the ipad? this is tricky. >> it is tricky. and it's a very tightly controlled price. and so i think people here are often looking for convenience and looking to be able to shop at nonstore hours to get this device. >> the calculator there, graphing calculator. >> right. every year, a big back to school item, a lot of power, a lot of technology. the economy becomes more technology-driven, you see a lot more people buying tech gear. >> everything is technology-driven, right? personal electronics is the hot thing right now. are these bigger deals for college students or younger kids in terms of electronics? >> electronics this year are shoeing more to the college student. we're seeing fewer elementary and high school parents buying electronics for their children this year. it's really skewing to colle students. >> steve, thank you. thank you for walking through the hot item
crayons? >> $6. people really looking to save money on everything. a lot of people are shopping for crayon prices. >> okay. and you have the ipad 2. how do you fd the lowest price on the ipad? this is tricky. >> it is tricky. and it's a very tightly controlled price. and so i think people here are often looking for convenience and looking to be able to shop at nonstore hours to get this device. >> the calculator there, graphing calculator. >> right. every year, a...
Aug 1, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.s polÍticas econÓmicas y sociales del gobierno, incluso se revelÓ esto por parte del ministro, los manifestantes tenÍan pancartas con el rostro de (...) esta marcha fue convocada por una joven desde facebook. >> una mujer decidiÓ aplicar la ley del taliÓn a su atacante, habÍa sido condenado a sufrir la misma pena que infligiÓ a su vÍctima pero la mujer pidiÓ que se le conmutada la pena de que lo compensarÁ con 150.000 para financiar su tratamiento mÉdico. el volcÁn extra entrÓ en - etna entrÓ en erupción y puso en alerta las autoridades locales segÚn informa el instituto de italia, la actividad del volcÁn se intensificÓ este fin de semana,1 inmensa columna de humo y cenizas obligÓ al cierre del aeropuerto. antes de despedirnos vemos un adelanto de lo que tendremos esta noche en la ediciÓn nocturna. en venezuela la ministra de prisiones anunciÓ un plan de descompresiÓn carcelaria que pretende liberar al 40% de los presos del paÍs.
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.s polÍticas econÓmicas y sociales del gobierno, incluso se revelÓ esto por parte del ministro, los manifestantes tenÍan pancartas con el rostro de (...) esta marcha fue convocada por una joven desde facebook. >> una mujer decidiÓ aplicar la ley del taliÓn a su atacante, habÍa sido condenado a sufrir la misma pena que infligiÓ a su vÍctima pero la mujer pidiÓ que se le conmutada la pena de que lo compensarÁ con 150.000 para...
Aug 4, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.pecial para los salvadoreños tenemos una invitada especial . >> si estoy con la cónsul de el salvador , ana valenzuela . >> básicamente un consulado a su lado pero , esto es un poco diferente a lo de la tarde, están de fiesta y el fin de semana . >> si , el 6 de agosto se celebra el día de savadoreño . >> por un festival gratis de otras nacionalidades para provar , música en vivo juegos , pinta de caritas y bailes folkloricos de el salvador, . >> también apoyando a las personas en la entrega de proclamaciones . >> ahora porque el 6 de agosto el día, . >> es en las ciudades principales, en el 2006 la cámara declaro cada 6 de agosto él día de los salvadoreños por las contribciones en estados unidos . >> estamos viendo la información de el día . >> no importa si es latino . >> es el sábado 6 de agosto . >> ahí ve la entrada es gratis porque ese día yo se que se celebra el día del salvador del mundo . >> y en el centro de san salvador, allá por la catedral se hace la bajada la trasnfigurac
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.pecial para los salvadoreños tenemos una invitada especial . >> si estoy con la cónsul de el salvador , ana valenzuela . >> básicamente un consulado a su lado pero , esto es un poco diferente a lo de la tarde, están de fiesta y el fin de semana . >> si , el 6 de agosto se celebra el día de savadoreño . >> por un festival gratis de otras nacionalidades para provar , música en vivo juegos , pinta de caritas y bailes...
Aug 2, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.primera mujer afro ascendiente de ocupar este lugar. veremos quÉ reto enfrenta en este nuevo cargo?. >>> susana vacca asumiÓ su cargo como ministra de agricultura. ganÓ un grammy latino en el aÑo 2002 y en su primer discurso hizo algo que sabe hacer bien, cantÓ la co bla de pla de un pe fa beto. >>> y tambiÉn recordÓ a su madre y llore coro dÉ a mi madre que jamÁs ni en su mejores sueÑos serÍa mejor. susana es la primera ministra antes estuvieron ru blbÉn bladen panamÁ, y sÍ estÁ contenta de ser la primera ministra negra. >>> ella sufriÓ la discriminaciÓn desde muy niÑa. donde he sufrido en carne propia, la exclusiÓn, donde por ser una niÑa diferente, negra, eh, he sido harpimarginada, mara sustituido dar de estudiar la mÚsica. >>> mÓnica carrillo es artista de los afros en el perÚ. dice que este nombramiento tiene que sacar al perÚ de ser de uno de los paÍses donde el racismo y discriminaciÓn son un tema cotidiano. >>> bueno estamos aÚn en el proceso de lograr la penalizaciÓn concreta
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.primera mujer afro ascendiente de ocupar este lugar. veremos quÉ reto enfrenta en este nuevo cargo?. >>> susana vacca asumiÓ su cargo como ministra de agricultura. ganÓ un grammy latino en el aÑo 2002 y en su primer discurso hizo algo que sabe hacer bien, cantÓ la co bla de pla de un pe fa beto. >>> y tambiÉn recordÓ a su madre y llore coro dÉ a mi madre que jamÁs ni en su mejores sueÑos serÍa mejor. susana es la...
Aug 4, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho. target lo tiene todo.tras accidente de su padre >> y el cantante envío sus condolencias a las familias de las víctimas >> era una muchacha especial >> iba a rtener un hijo >> así se habla de las víctimas >> mando un test a un amigo me estoy pintando las uñas >> ella se sento en la banca y el vehículo del padre del cantante se incrustaba adentro arrastrando a las víctima >> el bebe no se pudo salvar y además es madre de un niño de 10 >> es una tragedia para ambas familias, estamos destrozados, el papá estaba en alaska debe estar destrozado >> ruis envío cominucado de pesame >> además del comunicado nos dijeron cómo esta el papá del cantante >> .... >> la iglesia católica reacciono al gobierno federal que obliga a cubrir el costo de las pildoras anticomceptivas >>para carola tener 4 hijos es bendición pero ya es suficiente >> con la economía nmo se puede tgener más hijos >> ella defiende la decisión de cubrir los anticonceptivos, un requisito que condena la iglesia católica >> lo que viene gratis no es bueno
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho. target lo tiene todo.tras accidente de su padre >> y el cantante envío sus condolencias a las familias de las víctimas >> era una muchacha especial >> iba a rtener un hijo >> así se habla de las víctimas >> mando un test a un amigo me estoy pintando las uñas >> ella se sento en la banca y el vehículo del padre del cantante se incrustaba adentro arrastrando a las víctima >> el bebe no se pudo...
Aug 3, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.> el contorno corporal mejora y los médicos saben como operar ahora parque no se noten las cicatrices . >> tenga cuidado por que las pantallas 3d pueden dañar . >> la llamada, provoca que los ojos se tiene que ajustar lo que causa fatiga y malestar . >> los efectos son más agudos si es por un televisión o un computador
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.> el contorno corporal mejora y los médicos saben como operar ahora parque no se noten las cicatrices . >> tenga cuidado por que las pantallas 3d pueden dañar . >> la llamada, provoca que los ojos se tiene que ajustar lo que causa fatiga y malestar . >> los efectos son más agudos si es por un televisión o un computador
Aug 2, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.gres por esta decisión >>las mujeres tendrán cobertura >> es una victoria para la mujer latina >> en agosto del próximo año los seguros médicos tendrán que dar exámenes y tratamientos de prevención para la mujer >> el uso de las pastillas anticonceptivas le da opción a la mujer >> la decisión fue tomada bajo obma y oncluye la controversial pildora del día después >> si hay más ecceso eso reduce los embarazos no deseados y el número de abortos >>y otros servicios en esta reforma son los exámenes de diabetes del sida y el papanicolao, algo que puede salvar vidas >> muchas mujeres fallecen por cáncer uterino >> emiten alerta porque en comunidades latinas se vende una pastilla falsa de anticonceptivo por una presunta compañía farmaceutica, las pastilals del día después de venden bajo 3 nombres >> mañana
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.gres por esta decisión >>las mujeres tendrán cobertura >> es una victoria para la mujer latina >> en agosto del próximo año los seguros médicos tendrán que dar exámenes y tratamientos de prevención para la mujer >> el uso de las pastillas anticonceptivas le da opción a la mujer >> la decisión fue tomada bajo obma y oncluye la controversial pildora del día después >> si hay más ecceso eso reduce los...
Aug 7, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho. target lo tiene todo.ma'ximo circuito mexicano había dejado buen sabor de boca en tijuana pero faltaba saborear en el máximo circuito. >>el chato rodriguez anotaba, pero como dicen para que la cuña apriete tiene que ser del mismo árbol josé san podía el segundo, luego se cae y se levanta para sacar el pase apresurado ganan tres goles por uno chivas llegaba después de haber goleado al mejor equipo del mundo, el portero palacios termino siendo el mejor del partido, marcos fabian casi anota, pumas no presentó ningún argumento ofensivo, a chivas solo le faltó la estocada final, debutó con chivas el campeon sub 17 giovanni casillas >>y enfrentan máquina cementera al rival. chuletita orozco que no anotaba de la fecha 6 del año pasado, que anotara. máquina sumó tres punto con victoria dos por uno gallos blanco de querétaro ganan a pachuca >>esta es la programacion que presenta la liga fraternidad en sus juegos de semi finales. >>en la division mayor a las once agua caliente honduras y broncos boca junior. >>y 367
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho. target lo tiene todo.ma'ximo circuito mexicano había dejado buen sabor de boca en tijuana pero faltaba saborear en el máximo circuito. >>el chato rodriguez anotaba, pero como dicen para que la cuña apriete tiene que ser del mismo árbol josé san podía el segundo, luego se cae y se levanta para sacar el pase apresurado ganan tres goles por uno chivas llegaba después de haber goleado al mejor equipo del mundo, el portero palacios...
Aug 19, 2011
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24 crayones crayola por sÓlo 25 centavos cada uno.
24 crayones crayola por sÓlo 25 centavos cada uno.
Aug 6, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.entos complicados después de pasar por momentos sin electricidad . >> a eso de las 11 de la noche de ayer cuando ladrones intentaron robar el cobre que alcortarlos dejo a todos en la oscuridad . >> ella dice que su familia se vio afectada . >> equipos se dañaron . >> porque se echa a perder la comida . >> no sabemos si se quemo mi televisión . >> la condición medica del esposo es delicada y tanto tiempo sin electricidad lo afecto . >> tengo diabetes, entonces tenemos horas especificas para comer el azucar se baja y la rengo ahorita . >> porque no se pude cocinar . >> la vocera dice que hay alternativas para que las personas no resulten tan afectadas . >> en estos momentos tienen daños al refrigerador , un proceso de reclamo , caso por caso si tiene condición medica que nos llamen para poner una alerta . >> y lo hicieron al medio día pero algunas tenían parcialmente . >> los ladrones resultaron heridos , según ellos desde el 2008 el robo aumenta porque no están concientes que se exponen
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.entos complicados después de pasar por momentos sin electricidad . >> a eso de las 11 de la noche de ayer cuando ladrones intentaron robar el cobre que alcortarlos dejo a todos en la oscuridad . >> ella dice que su familia se vio afectada . >> equipos se dañaron . >> porque se echa a perder la comida . >> no sabemos si se quemo mi televisión . >> la condición medica del esposo es delicada y tanto tiempo sin...
Aug 7, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.riginaria de su paÍs que resultÓ muerta en la isla noruega. su cadÁver fue encontrado una semana despuÉs de la matanza. fue identificada gracias a sus huellas de actividades. >> japÓn recordó el 66 aniversario de la bomba de hiroshima. el acto deliberado en el parque de la paz cerca del lugar donde impactÓ la bomba que mató al menos a 50.000 personas. dicen que japÓn deberÍa cambiar su central elÉctrica tras el terremoto y tsunami del 14 de marzo, >> en brasil una cocinera confesÓ haber colocado veneno para ratas en la cocina servida en la cafeterÍa de una escuela pÚblica, su pasiÓn enfermo al que los estudiantes y 16 profesores. >> carlos larrain dijo que las protestas estudiantiles no le harÍan al gobierno. la cÁmara de diputados recordÓ la enmienda municipal para permitir el presidente fernando lugo para ocupar una banca en el senado tras ocupar el poder en el 2013, la policÍa de nueva york averiguar si un reciente ataque han tenido que ver con el hombre que realizÓ los ataques sexu
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.riginaria de su paÍs que resultÓ muerta en la isla noruega. su cadÁver fue encontrado una semana despuÉs de la matanza. fue identificada gracias a sus huellas de actividades. >> japÓn recordó el 66 aniversario de la bomba de hiroshima. el acto deliberado en el parque de la paz cerca del lugar donde impactÓ la bomba que mató al menos a 50.000 personas. dicen que japÓn deberÍa cambiar su central elÉctrica tras el terremoto y...
Aug 3, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho. aguantar a niños mal enseñados y padres ineptos. >>> otra dice no estoy de acuerdo, los niños aprenden a comportarse en lugares públicos
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho. aguantar a niños mal enseñados y padres ineptos. >>> otra dice no estoy de acuerdo, los niños aprenden a comportarse en lugares públicos
Aug 5, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.que la representa, denunciaron que fue robada en el 2006, y sacada en el país, con pasaportes falsos. oficialmente, actuales gobiernos de venezuela y colombia, hicieron la paz, están cooperando en la lucha contra el grupo de la farc, pero se alzan más voces que acusan a chávez que proteger a este grupo, maribel tiene los detalles. >>> en el estado de tachira, operaría la guerrilla colombiana, según declaraciones de un sacerdote operador de caritas internacional, coincide la afirmación, con la que hizo el comandante de fuerzas de colombia. >>> qué información tienen, continúan allí? >>> sí, en términos concretos. >>> ministro de defensa lo desmintió, y santos, dijo que se equivocaron, el gobierno colombiano, casacar sabía lo q venía encima. >>> tenemos que estar pendientes a declaraciones extrañas. >>> pero el ex presidente uribe, que en 8 años de gobierno mantuvo tensas relaciones con chávez, aprovechó la declaración, e intentó avivar el fuego. >>> pasa, y pasa el tiempo, y siguen camp
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.que la representa, denunciaron que fue robada en el 2006, y sacada en el país, con pasaportes falsos. oficialmente, actuales gobiernos de venezuela y colombia, hicieron la paz, están cooperando en la lucha contra el grupo de la farc, pero se alzan más voces que acusan a chávez que proteger a este grupo, maribel tiene los detalles. >>> en el estado de tachira, operaría la guerrilla colombiana, según declaraciones de un sacerdote...
Aug 6, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.or que hace tres aÑos? contestan en la ex tesorera y el ex secretario de vivienda. >> muchos de los encuestados te dirÍan que preferirían tener al presidente bush que a obama. >> los republicanos no tienen un plan para hacer crecer la economÍa. >> quiere ser la primera presidenta de venezuela. >> los venezolanos nos cansÁmoste esta discriminaciÓn. nos cansamos de la discriminaciÓn. >> esta no es la manera de solucionar el tema de la inmigraciÓn indocumentada. >> no puedo decir si son paramilitares. >> recuerda, el domingo a las 10 de la maÑana o a las nueve si vive en el centro del paÍs. >> el hospital aÉreo de la organizaciÓn sin fines de lucro viajarÁ a perÚ donde un equipo ayudara a pacientes con problemas de visiÓn. el Único aviÓn equipado con una sala de operaciones y un cuarto de recuperaciÓn. nos despedimos con una muestra de que el reporte no reconoce lÍmite de edad. bebÉs demostraron su habilidad deportiva. sus padres les mostraban animales de peluche. el primero que llegÓ a l
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.or que hace tres aÑos? contestan en la ex tesorera y el ex secretario de vivienda. >> muchos de los encuestados te dirÍan que preferirían tener al presidente bush que a obama. >> los republicanos no tienen un plan para hacer crecer la economÍa. >> quiere ser la primera presidenta de venezuela. >> los venezolanos nos cansÁmoste esta discriminaciÓn. nos cansamos de la discriminaciÓn. >> esta no es la manera de...
Aug 5, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.ograron hacerle llegar oxÍgeno. tras media hora de intensas labores lograron rescatarlo. >> dos limpiadores de ventanas salvaron su vida de milagro. llevaron a cabo un arriesgado operativo de rescate. ambos trabajaban en un edificio residencial cuando las sobras se rompieron y quedaron sostenidosen ambos extremos del andamio. >> la tormenta tropical se disipÓ sobre las montaÑas de haitÍ y la repÚblica dominicana. pero las lluvias amenazaba con provocar deslizamientos de tierra en ambos paÍses. la tormenta se convirtiÓ en un sistema de baja presiÓn. los meteorÓlogos advirtieron que el fenÓmeno atmosfÉrico aÚn tiene posibilidades de fortalecerse maÑana o el sÁbado. >> el prÓximo sÁbado se celebra en estados unidos el dÍa del salvadoreÑo. los ciudadanos de ese paÍs realizan una serie de actividades religiosas y culturales. desde san salvador nos hablan de la importancia de estas fiestas patronales dentro y fuera de ese paÍs. >> los salvadoreÑos son la tercera comunidad hispana mÁs grande
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.ograron hacerle llegar oxÍgeno. tras media hora de intensas labores lograron rescatarlo. >> dos limpiadores de ventanas salvaron su vida de milagro. llevaron a cabo un arriesgado operativo de rescate. ambos trabajaban en un edificio residencial cuando las sobras se rompieron y quedaron sostenidosen ambos extremos del andamio. >> la tormenta tropical se disipÓ sobre las montaÑas de haitÍ y la repÚblica dominicana. pero las lluvias...
Aug 6, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.ización, sin fines de lucro, que ayuda añ tras ao. >>> flavio. >>> la organización, regala mochilas llenas de artículos de primera necesidad. >>> según nos explicaron, el añ pasado, 18 mil alumnos recibieron las mochilas, son distribuidas en agosto, las invitaciones que la organización envía, se incluye artículos escolares, y una calcomanía, que se pondrá en la mochila, para identificar, si es para niñ o niña, o un grupo específico del kinder, hasta el doceavo grado. >>> hay cientos y cientos de mochilas, llegan aquí primero, y son revisadas, por cada uno de los voluntarios, sin embargo no queda aquí. >>> en el segundo cuarto, llegan mochilas revisadas, y son almacenadas antes de ser distribuidas, y llegaros por un tercer cuarto, los voluntarios organizan las mochilas por escuela, cada una recibirá lo que pidieron, en esta escuela, habrá 285 bolsas escolares. >>> la participación, de voluntarios, en total es de vital importancia, se encargan de ver que tengan lo necesario, calculadoras
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.ización, sin fines de lucro, que ayuda añ tras ao. >>> flavio. >>> la organización, regala mochilas llenas de artículos de primera necesidad. >>> según nos explicaron, el añ pasado, 18 mil alumnos recibieron las mochilas, son distribuidas en agosto, las invitaciones que la organización envía, se incluye artículos escolares, y una calcomanía, que se pondrá en la mochila, para identificar, si es para niñ o...
Aug 11, 2011
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join richmond police and inside the back packs students will get things like binders and rulers and crayonsenceles and they will be able to check out what the activity club is doing and they offer sports, a homework club, computer center, music studio and the back packs are free for students ages 5-18. the event will happen on tuesday, august 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. that richmond police gym on mcdonald avenue. remember, first come, first serve. the giants drop out of first place with ♪ ♪ mm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mmm ♪ mm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mmm [ female announcer ] kraft cheese has more full length shreds in every bag. you'll see the difference. ♪ mmm you'll see the difference. >>> all right. good evening, everybody. the giants, they are troubles may be more than just a passing thing. jonathan sanchez didn't get it going today. rbi single to ryan. andrew scores four times today. he was just getting warmed up. they estimate this thick at 450 feet and the pirates were not done. four batters later, matt off sanchez, 4 hits, 4 runs, 4 walks. and jeff, he was dominant with 9 strikeouts over six. giant
join richmond police and inside the back packs students will get things like binders and rulers and crayonsenceles and they will be able to check out what the activity club is doing and they offer sports, a homework club, computer center, music studio and the back packs are free for students ages 5-18. the event will happen on tuesday, august 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. that richmond police gym on mcdonald avenue. remember, first come, first serve. the giants drop out of first place with...
Aug 4, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.rÍa ser siempre un espectÁculo y lo fue. barcelona y chivas nos brindaron un gran espectÁculo. >> mÁs de 70 mil espectadores asistieron para ver al equipo mÁs popular de mÉxico frente al mejor club del mundo. barcelona con la presencia de jonatan dos santos desde el inicio. vamos a ver quÉ pasÓ. a sÓlo tres minutos del inicio, recibe el pase desde lejos define sÓlo para este golazo. el pase de gol lo dio el amor de shakira, piquÉ. este disparo. no hubo mÁs en el primer tiempo, al 59 recibiÓ desde afuera del Área, y mando del caÑonazo al fondo de la red. esta joya quien define de media chilena. dos a uno estaban ganado las chivas. este muchacho fue campeÓn con la selecciÓn de mÉxico sub 17. >> este gol de josÉ luis berlusco. 4 a 1, ganÓ el equipo real. >> no me alcanza el tiempo para todas las felicitaciones a los fans. les mando muchos besos. >> sabemos que hubo jornada del fÚtbol mexicano. maÑana en primer impacto tendremos todo. >> lo mucho que tiene que celebrar el guadalajara ganan
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.rÍa ser siempre un espectÁculo y lo fue. barcelona y chivas nos brindaron un gran espectÁculo. >> mÁs de 70 mil espectadores asistieron para ver al equipo mÁs popular de mÉxico frente al mejor club del mundo. barcelona con la presencia de jonatan dos santos desde el inicio. vamos a ver quÉ pasÓ. a sÓlo tres minutos del inicio, recibe el pase desde lejos define sÓlo para este golazo. el pase de gol lo dio el amor de shakira,...
Aug 3, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.s utilizarÁn hidrÓgeno. >> en miami, el barcelona enfrenta a las chivas de guadalajara en un partido amistoso. conversamos con el jugador piquÉ quien nos tiene un adelanto. >> en una entrevista en exclusiva para despierta amÉrica, en defensa de barcelona nos cuenta cÓmo fue su niÑez, nos devela quÉ papel ha jugado su familia en su carrera futbolÍstica y ademÁs nos confiesa quiÉn es su inspiraciÓn. todo esto y mucho mÁs en una entrevista en la que tambiÉn nos deja saber cÓmo cree que terminara el marcador entre barcelona y las chicas. chivas. >> maÑana a partir de las siete, seis en el centro. >> mucha expectativa con ese partido maÑana. >> llegamos al final con la Última informaciÓn del dÍa. >> gracias por haber estado con nosotros. que descanse. ♪
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.s utilizarÁn hidrÓgeno. >> en miami, el barcelona enfrenta a las chivas de guadalajara en un partido amistoso. conversamos con el jugador piquÉ quien nos tiene un adelanto. >> en una entrevista en exclusiva para despierta amÉrica, en defensa de barcelona nos cuenta cÓmo fue su niÑez, nos devela quÉ papel ha jugado su familia en su carrera futbolÍstica y ademÁs nos confiesa quiÉn es su inspiraciÓn. todo esto y mucho mÁs en...
Aug 28, 2011
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benefits from the hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayonsower price. no problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our easy ad match guarantee. get men's boxer briefs and tees for just $7.97 each. save money. live better. walmart. . >>> with millions of dollars of cuts in california schools and declared fiscal emergency, some teachers and parents have been footing the bill to keep classrooms stocked with sipplies. as ktvu's allie rasmus explains these theod teachers got a helping hand for their classroom. >> reporter: when lily chou goes back-to-school shopping she buying for more than one or two kids. >> more than 30. >> reporter: she is a 5th grade teacher and every year she spends about $500 stock her classroom.
benefits from the hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayonsower price. no problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our...
Aug 11, 2011
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join richmond police and inside the back packs students will get things like binders and rulers and crayons and penceles and they will be able to check out what the activity club is doing and they offer sports, a homework club, computer center, music studio and the back packs are free for students ages 5-18. the event will happen on tuesday, august 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. that richmond police gym on mcdonald avenue. remember, first come, first serve. the giants drop out of first place with another loss. gary has the story next in sports. [ male announcer ] you never know when, but thieves can steal your identity, turning your life upside down in a matter of seconds. hi. hi, you know, i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. you just read my mind. [ male announcer ] just one little piece of information, and they can open bogus accounts, stealing your credit, your money, and ruining your reputation. that's why you need lifelock. lifelock is the leader in identity theft protection. relentlessly protecting your personal information to help stop the crooks i
join richmond police and inside the back packs students will get things like binders and rulers and crayons and penceles and they will be able to check out what the activity club is doing and they offer sports, a homework club, computer center, music studio and the back packs are free for students ages 5-18. the event will happen on tuesday, august 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. that richmond police gym on mcdonald avenue. remember, first come, first serve. the giants drop out of first place...
Aug 11, 2011
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1,000 white crayons?r decades artists and teachers have been uncovering unusual items at a place that they call a san francisco hidden treasure. i have been there. sharon chin introduces the woman behind this popular resource, this week's jefferson award win her. >> reporter: got creativity? ann marie theilen has heaps of material. for 35 years, artists and teachers like chris giorni have scrounged around her san francisco nonprofit "scrap" looking to turn someone else's trash into their treasure. >> walking through "scrap" is like walking through the cobwebs ancient mines and opportunities for imagination to run wild. >> reporter: back in 1976, when theilen founded "scrap," people laughed. she was working with the san francisco arts commission and needed an inexpensive way to provide 140 artists with supplies for teaching. so she asked businesses to donate stuff they would otherwise dump. >> i was considered kind of a fool at the time. >> reporter: why? >> because we're into consuming in america. we cons
1,000 white crayons?r decades artists and teachers have been uncovering unusual items at a place that they call a san francisco hidden treasure. i have been there. sharon chin introduces the woman behind this popular resource, this week's jefferson award win her. >> reporter: got creativity? ann marie theilen has heaps of material. for 35 years, artists and teachers like chris giorni have scrounged around her san francisco nonprofit "scrap" looking to turn someone else's trash...
Aug 4, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho. target lo tiene todo.co evitaron la sexta derrota al hilo... la barrida ante los diamondbacks de arizona y se mantuvieron en el liderato de la division oeste... .---que tal le saluda ramon diaz y esto es telemundo deportivo.... jugando el tercero y ultimo de la serie ante arizona... el panda pablo sandoval inicio el ataque ofensivo pegando este sencillo impulsador al jardin derecho... el boricua carlos beltran recien contratado por los gigantes en cinco turnos al bate tuvo tres hits y empujo una carrera y anoto otra.. 8-1 gano san francisco... ---los atleticos de oakland no corrieron con la misma suerta y fueron barridos en la serie ante los marineros de seattle... el cubano americano gio gonzalez en seis entradas un tercio permitio diez hits.. seis carreras y poncho a nueve... oakland perdia por siete a uno en la novena entrada... hasta que josh willingham recorto la distancia con cuadrangular de tres carreras.. ---seis partidos programados para hoy de la fecha 3 del torneo apertura del futbol mexicano...
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho. target lo tiene todo.co evitaron la sexta derrota al hilo... la barrida ante los diamondbacks de arizona y se mantuvieron en el liderato de la division oeste... .---que tal le saluda ramon diaz y esto es telemundo deportivo.... jugando el tercero y ultimo de la serie ante arizona... el panda pablo sandoval inicio el ataque ofensivo pegando este sencillo impulsador al jardin derecho... el boricua carlos beltran recien contratado por los gigantes...
Aug 8, 2011
eye 158
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hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school, like this graphing calculator, just $95. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. investigating two popular cars for potent . >>> the safety administration is investigating two popular cars for potential problems. some 2011 and 2012 ford mustang reportedly have problems shifting in to gear. 2011 jetta's are alleged to have leaking fuel lines. as many as 66,000 could be affected. the investigation is ongoing so no recalls have been announced. >>> the popular way to tour the waterfront but tonight some of the city's petty cabs providers are draw age line in the at fault. the turf war they say
hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school, like this...
Aug 7, 2011
eye 227
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a good night. ,, hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price. no problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school, like this graphing calculator, just $95.
a good night. ,, hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price. no problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back...
eye 198
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each child received a backpack filled with items like note books, pens, pen silz, crayons, and books. >> so, there's been a study that everything they need to start the school year, are most likely to attend and complete their assignments and understand better what they're learning. >> alan: the salvation army says the price of school supplies has risen 12% in the past year. >> the world series of sailing kicks off in portugal. the first event in the countdown to san francisco's america's cup, and after a cloudy start the sun made an appearance. leigh glaser has the >> alan: the opening races of the america's cup were held in portugal today. new zealand led the pack with just one point over sweden, while the bay area's oracle racing team came in fourth place for the day. the race continues tomorrow with a speed trial and a series of fleet races. today's event is a precursor to the 2013 america's cup here in san francisco. >>> it was a great day for sailing on the bay. >> leigh: you could see the bay. the low clouds and fog -- we're going to take you to one spot on the coast actually e
each child received a backpack filled with items like note books, pens, pen silz, crayons, and books. >> so, there's been a study that everything they need to start the school year, are most likely to attend and complete their assignments and understand better what they're learning. >> alan: the salvation army says the price of school supplies has risen 12% in the past year. >> the world series of sailing kicks off in portugal. the first event in the countdown to san...
Aug 16, 2011
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each backpack has binders, crayons and even a bottle -- water bottle. there's also information about the crime prevention and the ordinance. >>> ahead a look at wall street, and what's pushing stocks down today. we'll tell you why a vote expected to be -- could be critical to the future of the 49er stadium in santa clara. man: we need a good night's sleep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built. you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling] >>> taking a look at the big board on wall street, markets are in the red thanks to the easing -- thanks to the failure to ease worries about the debt crisis in europe. >>> an update on the breaking story. authorities have locked down santa monica college after at least three people reported seeing a gunman on the campus. the calls came in around 11:00 this morning and police immediately ordered staff and students to stay indoors. school is not in session but teachers and so
each backpack has binders, crayons and even a bottle -- water bottle. there's also information about the crime prevention and the ordinance. >>> ahead a look at wall street, and what's pushing stocks down today. we'll tell you why a vote expected to be -- could be critical to the future of the 49er stadium in santa clara. man: we need a good night's sleep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt....
Aug 3, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.ntrario tendrán que abandonar las aulas, nos dicen que hace las autoridades locales para que asegurarse que todos se oponen. >> estalla california impuso nuevo reglamento que consiste en que todos los estudiantes entre el séptimo y el 12° grado reciba la vacuna contra la tosferina, la razón se debe a que el número de casos alarma las autoridades que quieren prevenir la propagación de esta enfermedad. >>bastantes de ellos han recibido las vacunas, y los síntomas pues son leves, es fácil, para ellos pasar a la bacteriaa otros niños especialmente a los bebés, y no saben que quien la tosferina. >> se realizó un evento con la participación de uno de los jugadores del equipo ganador de sede mundial de fútbol, lo sigan san francisco. >> yo también soy padrey tengo hijo, es mi primer trabajo, yo me preocupo de su >> cuál sería el mensaje para los padres de familia. para que cuiden a los chicos, que se vacunen, que agarran porque en verdadesto no es algo para jugar con>> subrayó pasado 10 niños
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.ntrario tendrán que abandonar las aulas, nos dicen que hace las autoridades locales para que asegurarse que todos se oponen. >> estalla california impuso nuevo reglamento que consiste en que todos los estudiantes entre el séptimo y el 12° grado reciba la vacuna contra la tosferina, la razón se debe a que el número de casos alarma las autoridades que quieren prevenir la propagación de esta enfermedad. >>bastantes de ellos han...
eye 254
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each child received a backpack filled with items like note books, pens, pencils, crayons and book. >>is is what is going to get them excited and ready to go. they come in, as you see, when they enter the building, level of excitement already happening. once they receive their backpack, they're thinking, i can't wait to go back to school now. >> alan: both the salvation army says the price of school supplies has risen 12% in just the past year. >>> the america's cup is starting to get underway. with the america's cup world series in portugal. the opening races were held today near the capitol of lisbon. new zealand led the pack with one point over sweden. while the oracle racing team from the bay area is in fourth place. >>> the race continues tomorrow with a speed trial and a series of fleet races. today's event is a precursor to the 2013 america's cup here in san francisco. >>> let's go to leigh glaser. we're hoping for a warmup soon. >> leigh: with been talking about the low clouds and fog near the coast. but inland, lots of sunshine and temperatures in the 80s. so comfortable readi
each child received a backpack filled with items like note books, pens, pencils, crayons and book. >>is is what is going to get them excited and ready to go. they come in, as you see, when they enter the building, level of excitement already happening. once they receive their backpack, they're thinking, i can't wait to go back to school now. >> alan: both the salvation army says the price of school supplies has risen 12% in just the past year. >>> the america's cup is...
SFGTV2: San Francisco Government Television
Aug 26, 2011
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melted crayons, moth and marbles. flightless wings in a brown bag. they are safe inside us. neither shift of wind nor sun's cruel wrath can force us from our charge into the endless night we stand our ground monolithic protectors of the broken spirit. 3. there was a place sacred beaconed by time. i remember. the new born grass trampled beneath the earth. no one else should die here. there was a flash, no, 2 secrets locked in a fire ball. the shift of wind the sudden weight of blue heat formless days worn past, changed since the coming of endless night. >> and my last poem -- speaks to world events. and now i'm also thinking about the atrocities in berma. called the world i leave you. once there were 2 towers then there were none. i searched among the rubble for bones of men. what kind of world i leave you, what's human left of race? what more can i give you to resurrect your faith? smiles, i give and laughter like rain, flakes of snow that gently splay against the window pain. light transformed to rainbow, sweat from a dancer's brow. giggles of rivers running down mountains,
melted crayons, moth and marbles. flightless wings in a brown bag. they are safe inside us. neither shift of wind nor sun's cruel wrath can force us from our charge into the endless night we stand our ground monolithic protectors of the broken spirit. 3. there was a place sacred beaconed by time. i remember. the new born grass trampled beneath the earth. no one else should die here. there was a flash, no, 2 secrets locked in a fire ball. the shift of wind the sudden weight of blue heat formless...
Aug 29, 2011
eye 218
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and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price.lem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad.
and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price.lem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad.
Aug 7, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.n paraíso de ensueño. mi pelo se deslizaba, suave como pétalos, y con un brillo deslumbrante. estaba en el paraíso. [ locutora ] obviamente alguien estuvo usando herbal. herbal essences con ingredientes activos suavizantes. para un pelo suave y con brillo. [♪ tema musical ] >>continuando con "enfoque" desde washington d.c. usted, si vio el programa la semana pasada, vio que hablamos con gustavo torres de casa de maryland, que Él, junto a un grupo de activistas, se hizo arrestar justo en las afueras de la casa blanca, pidiÉndole al presidente obama que haga lo que ellos dicen puede legalmente hacer, actuar unilateralmente a favor de parte de nuestra comunidad. el lÍder, dicen muchos, de este movimiento, estÁ en chicago, es el gran congresista de illinois, luis gutiÉrrez, que nos honra nuevamente con su presencia. congresista, ¿cÓmo estÁ? >>muy bien, gracias. >>congresista, hablamos la semana pasada, entre otras cosas, de que el presidente cuando fue al consejo nacional de la raza, nueva
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.n paraíso de ensueño. mi pelo se deslizaba, suave como pétalos, y con un brillo deslumbrante. estaba en el paraíso. [ locutora ] obviamente alguien estuvo usando herbal. herbal essences con ingredientes activos suavizantes. para un pelo suave y con brillo. [♪ tema musical ] >>continuando con "enfoque" desde washington d.c. usted, si vio el programa la semana pasada, vio que hablamos con gustavo torres de casa de maryland,...
Aug 4, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.lud enrique gutiérrez coleros en deportiva, atención, el rey de su gol, podría regresar a las canchas de juegos, efectivamente esa es la idea, que está desarrollando el presidente de santos de brasil, el conjunto contestó la copa libertadores de américa y por ende representará a sudamérica en el mundial de clubes en diciembre, la idea de luis alvarado de oliveira presidente del equipo, es que será parte de la nómina oficial de 23 jugadores, y así tendrá posibilidad de convertirse en campeón mundial de clubes, recordemos que pelé ganó esa distinción en 1962 y 1963, al enterarse de la idea se entusiasmó y dijo que se pondrá en forma para incluso entrar al campo unos minutos, el entrenador del equipo debe aprobar este proyecto antes de que se pueda hacer oficial. y mientras tanto el futuro de giovanni dos santos aún no se define pero comienza a tornarse un poco más claro, ya que el sevilla ha dicho que la contratación del mexicana es una de las bellas del equipo, el interés en el fútbol s
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.lud enrique gutiérrez coleros en deportiva, atención, el rey de su gol, podría regresar a las canchas de juegos, efectivamente esa es la idea, que está desarrollando el presidente de santos de brasil, el conjunto contestó la copa libertadores de américa y por ende representará a sudamérica en el mundial de clubes en diciembre, la idea de luis alvarado de oliveira presidente del equipo, es que será parte de la nómina oficial de 23...
Aug 5, 2011
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ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.se mantiene libre días,desde enterados hasta los embutidos se mantiene también saco celeste cuentero, estoy a partir de las 11 de la noche, una noche más fresca que tras constatar algunos doblados robamos al programa que pasa con emily, estalla en haití, después estará entrando a partir de mañana precisamente la costa este de cuba y después enlazará lo que es la florida, pero rápidamentepor la presencia de un sistema que se encuentra la costa este de los estados unidos, y estará dejándolo nuevamente hacia el interior del atlántico, no sólo, este panorama los últimos días, fin de semana domingo los 65/san francisco con esos lugares que se disipan como zancos es de materias a los 73, algunos lugares estarán alcanzando los encargados de vida que sin haber sido el interior todavía se mantiene, les tengo hasta iba esta noche es a las las 11. >> gracias guillermo. con chorros de agua a presión la policía chilena reprimió a un grupo de estudiantes que se manifestaba el principal avenida de la
ah, tijeras y crayones. la escuela te pide mucho.se mantiene libre días,desde enterados hasta los embutidos se mantiene también saco celeste cuentero, estoy a partir de las 11 de la noche, una noche más fresca que tras constatar algunos doblados robamos al programa que pasa con emily, estalla en haití, después estará entrando a partir de mañana precisamente la costa este de cuba y después enlazará lo que es la florida, pero rápidamentepor la presencia de un sistema que se encuentra la...
Aug 28, 2011
eye 188
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hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower priceroblem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our easy ad match guarantee. get men's boxer briefs and tees for just $7.97 each. save money. live better. walmart.
hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower priceroblem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our easy ad match...
Aug 11, 2011
eye 153
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1,000 white crayons?s artists and teachers have been uncovering unusual items at a place that they call a san francisco hidden treasure. sharon chin introduces the woman behind this popular resource, this week's jefferson award win --winner. >> reporter: got creativity? ann marie theilen has heaps of material. for 35 years, artists and teachers like chris giorni have scrounged around her san francisco nonprofit "scrap" looking to turn someone else's trash into their treasure. >> walking through "scrap" is like walking through the cobwebs of ancient mines and opportunities for imagine nags to run wild. >> reporter: back in 1976, when theilen founded "scrap," people laughed. she was working with the san francisco arts commission and needed an inexpensive way to provide 140 artists with supplies for teaching. so she asked businesses to donate stuff they would otherwise dump. >> i was considered kind of a fool at the time. >> reporter: why? >> because we're into consuming in america. we consume. we don't reus
1,000 white crayons?s artists and teachers have been uncovering unusual items at a place that they call a san francisco hidden treasure. sharon chin introduces the woman behind this popular resource, this week's jefferson award win --winner. >> reporter: got creativity? ann marie theilen has heaps of material. for 35 years, artists and teachers like chris giorni have scrounged around her san francisco nonprofit "scrap" looking to turn someone else's trash into their treasure....
Aug 2, 2011
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then she left some crayons in her pocket and they went through the wash.ought all her clothes were ruined. enter tide and tide booster. the stains are gone. it's kind of too bad. [ laughs ] another car garage honey? it's beautiful. that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] find the tide that's right for you at tide.com. >>> and welcome back to "american morning." a major concession this morning from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that could lead to statehood for the palestinians. netanyahu announcing israel is willing to negotiate with the palestinians based on borders that existed in 1967. in exchange the palestinians would have to drop efforts to get the united nations to recognize them as a state and would have to publicly recognize israel as a state. leaders on both sides indicated they're willing to accept those conditions. >>> another night of blood shed into syria. government troops and civilians clashing in the city of hama. reports of violence in several other cities, too. at least 24 more people reportedly killed overnight. 52
then she left some crayons in her pocket and they went through the wash.ought all her clothes were ruined. enter tide and tide booster. the stains are gone. it's kind of too bad. [ laughs ] another car garage honey? it's beautiful. that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] find the tide that's right for you at tide.com. >>> and welcome back to "american morning." a major concession this morning from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that could lead to...
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changing the colors of the rainbow instead call them close of the cultures politically sensitive crayons. all right so we just played you all those clips to prove a point fox and friends is not news it's a comedy hour case in point is gretchen carlson and a crazy question about the supposed war on christmas and that's why we're getting our tonight's thought on a war. now the pentagon and its super secret division darpa had been working on another unmanned aerial device and they're very proud of their baby the falcon hypersonic technology vehicle two so when the defense department tested their newest project they wanted to make sure that everybody knew about it. the defense department claims the second test for a super fast aircraft that can fly at a blistering speed of thirteen thousand miles per hour or twenty times the speed of sound if everything goes as planned the pentagon would be gifted with a lightning fast to be a goal capable of delivering a military strike anywhere in the world in less than an hour to give you that's right biz that boy boasts all sorts of stats that would just
changing the colors of the rainbow instead call them close of the cultures politically sensitive crayons. all right so we just played you all those clips to prove a point fox and friends is not news it's a comedy hour case in point is gretchen carlson and a crazy question about the supposed war on christmas and that's why we're getting our tonight's thought on a war. now the pentagon and its super secret division darpa had been working on another unmanned aerial device and they're very proud of...
Aug 28, 2011
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. >> reporter: colored pencels and markers and crayons individually aren't that expensive, but collectivelyo add up and they say the average k-12 spends $350 of their own money on supplies every year. >> the classroom is getting bigger and teachers are getting more overwhelmed. >> 200 teachers came it though target for free school supplies. the deputy foundation and another company donated $20,000. >> one teacher had an issue with tardiness and decided to take $200 for alarm clocks to teach them the importance of being on time. >> reporter: she teaches 3rd- grade and lend stuff to the kid. >> threalways bring it back and they are responsible for the classroom materials and they always say thank you of the they are well-mannered kids. >> reporter: they says that makes her investment all worth it. in coalma, allie ras us in, ktvu channel 2 news. >> a rally was aimed at getting youngsters excited by school and helping them succeed on they are in class. about 900 oakland students attended the day-long phoenix at city hall, along with the games and give aways, there was a serious side. the stude
. >> reporter: colored pencels and markers and crayons individually aren't that expensive, but collectivelyo add up and they say the average k-12 spends $350 of their own money on supplies every year. >> the classroom is getting bigger and teachers are getting more overwhelmed. >> 200 teachers came it though target for free school supplies. the deputy foundation and another company donated $20,000. >> one teacher had an issue with tardiness and decided to take $200 for...
Aug 4, 2011
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and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price.lem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school, like hanes boys boxer briefs for just $5.47. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. excuse me? my grandfather was born in this village. [ automated voice speaks foreign language ] [ male announcer ] in here, everyone speaks the same language. ♪ in here, forklifts drive themselves. no, he doesn't have it. yeah, we'll look on that. [ male announcer ] in here, friends leave you messages written in the air. that's it right there. [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. em an instrumless. [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network. system. ma
and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price.lem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school, like hanes boys boxer briefs for just $5.47. backed by...
Aug 26, 2011
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and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price.em -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our easy ad match guarantee.
and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price.em -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our easy ad match guarantee.
Aug 31, 2011
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you into a popular hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayonsr price. no problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our easy ad match guarantee. get this graphing calculator for just $95. save money. live better. walmart. >>> a fundraiser is under way to raise money for three musicians who lost their home and their instruments to a house fire. amber lee is live now in the city and tell us the music playing tonight has special meaning for fans of bluegrass, amber. >> reporter: julie we're just outside the popular cafe denore. tonight the concert to help three musicians who lost their house to a fire attracted hundreds of people. >> everybody knows each other pretty much. it's a lot of friends here tonight to support them
you into a popular hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayonsr price. no problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our...
Aug 30, 2011
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anyway, here's what they'll need: markers, scissors, crayons, pencils, folders, juice boxes, pretzel sticks, glue sticks, tape that sticks, and glitter. so much glitter. school takes a lot. target has it all. hi! i brought champagne. wow! the best in the world. ...some chocolates oikos greek yogurtbest ifrom dannon./ wait until you try it. so creamy thick and fresh tasting dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2:1 in a "national taste test. mmmm... this may be the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt possibly the best yogurt in the world. [ woman ] we didn't know where to go next with eric's adhd. his stimulant medicine was helping, but some symptoms were still in his way. so the doctor kept eric n his current medicine and added nonstimulant intuniv to his treatment plan. [ male announcer ] for some children like eric, adding once-daily nonstimulant intuniv to their stimulant has been shown to provide additional adhd symptom improvement. don't take if allergic to intuniv, its ingredients, or taking other medicines with guanfacine, like tenex. intuniv may cause serious side effects
anyway, here's what they'll need: markers, scissors, crayons, pencils, folders, juice boxes, pretzel sticks, glue sticks, tape that sticks, and glitter. so much glitter. school takes a lot. target has it all. hi! i brought champagne. wow! the best in the world. ...some chocolates oikos greek yogurtbest ifrom dannon./ wait until you try it. so creamy thick and fresh tasting dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2:1 in a "national taste test. mmmm... this may be the best in the world....
Aug 7, 2011
eye 184
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and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price.-- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school. backed by our ad match guarantee. and get free shipping on hundreds of thousands of items online to any walmart. save money. live better. walmart. montrose, california. in here, anarchy meets order. working with at&t, doctors set up a broadband solution to handle data and a mobility app to stay connected with their business. so they can run the office... even when they're not in the office. call at&t and see what we can do for you. with unlimited voice plus broadband, starting at $70 dollars. it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. >>> you know the nfl season is right around the corner wh
and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price.-- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school. backed by our ad match guarantee. and get free shipping on...
Aug 29, 2011
eye 233
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and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price. no problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our easy ad match guarantee. get kid's and junior's graphic tees for just $5 to $7.50. save money. live better. walmart. and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >>> a decade after the 9/11 terrorists attacks some questions about the cost of keeping america safe. in tonight's special report, ken pritchett goes
and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price. no problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. why does the glue not stick to the glue stick? well, it's very complicated, but it has to do with oxygen. i knew that. [ male announcer ] we're so confident in our low prices every day on everything for back to school, we back it with our easy ad match guarantee. get kid's and junior's...
Aug 7, 2011
eye 170
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hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school, like hanes boys boxer briefs for just $5.47. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. that i put on my children's plate. that's why we use all-white meat, breading that is whole grain with omega-3 and no preservatives. it is my goal to make the highest quality, best-tasting nugget on the market. i want consumers to go, "dang, that's a good nugget." >>> new york city mayor michael bloomberg is hoping to change lives with a new program. just last week, he announced the details of a three-year program designed to help more than 300,000 young black and hispanic men. the 130 million dollar initi
hi, i'm doing my back-to-school shopping and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school, like...
Aug 4, 2011
eye 163
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. >> kimberly: crayons for kids. >> bob: i'm afraid of this segment because i'm doing it.ld leaders have gone mad. work-out video to bizarre display of strength. we can't forget embarrassing photos. of eric. that's next on "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back to "the five." you missed so much in the break. bob put on kimberly's lip gloss. >> kimberly: walled wonderstruck. >> greg: not pretty. last week we had amazing and fascinating video of the world dictators. three in particular, four. hosni mubarak was a spectacle in a metal cage to go to court to defend charges against corruption. then the brady bunch of weird people in the midding, hugo chavez is proving he is not dead by doing some exercise. to the left is trying to find p.r. firm to rehabilitate his reputation. bob, i go to you first for no particular reason. >> bob: good. >> greg: chavez released a video do you think this is going to help him? >> bob: no, he is going to die. ferdinand marcos, all the adds, stuff of pumping iron. but he died. then they put him under wax and you can still see him. chavez is a bum.
. >> kimberly: crayons for kids. >> bob: i'm afraid of this segment because i'm doing it.ld leaders have gone mad. work-out video to bizarre display of strength. we can't forget embarrassing photos. of eric. that's next on "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back to "the five." you missed so much in the break. bob put on kimberly's lip gloss. >> kimberly: walled wonderstruck. >> greg: not pretty. last week we had amazing and fascinating video...