certainly a lot of daycare and a lot of lessons to be learn human rights attorney dan corvalle. thank you for your time in analysis. thank you very much. the russian turk stream gas pipeline operator says another lens has withdrawn its export license amid wider you sanctions against moscow. this means that the turk stream, dutch subsidiary can't provide technical maintenance on the pipeline. but you're going south stream company, told archie that the measures will not affect the flow of gas, although it's asked for the license to be reinstated. the pipeline delivers more than 30000000000 cubic meters of natural gas to europe and turkey. the developments are especially significant following recent damage to the north through one and 2 pipelines. political scientists, nar, so non good alton told our to, you know, neil, that the u. s. wants to divide russia and europe. i think it's the 2nd step of american interrogation to europe, asia, the 1st step was just a few days ago. i talk to a pipeline in order to tim pipeline and baltic c. and i think this statement from the diet sites is