he's a climate researcher in new york, david holland. he's a professor of mathematics and atmosphere ocean science in the crohn's institute at a new york university, abu dhabi and in texas. andrew kruschevich, senior researcher columbia university's climate school. a warm welcome to you all like to begin in texas. first with andrew cruz. great. andrew, we've been talking for so long now about climate change, but it's not climate change anymore as climate changed. and surely this terminology is part of the problem we're looking at now terminology there should suggest climate damage controlled climate damage, limitation and proposing radical solutions. now where we're past the point of no return, surely. well, what we're really talking about is understanding the disproportionality of impact of climate in climate change on different populations on different industries. and at different times we're starting to see even more of this disproportionality. what i mean by that is, yes, we're seeing extreme events and we have the data to document t