progressive policy institute senior fellow david osbourne examine the chatter school movement. harvard university professor daniel alan discussed how mass incarceration has impacted her family and radio host mark levine warned against federal government expansion. in the coming weeks on after words, investigative journalist will report onment health industry, former radio host charles will offer thoughts on conservative movement in america. craig will discuss the life and political career of newt gringrich and this week susie hanson reflects on travels abroad and weighs in on america's global standing. >> there's definitely the question if we are exceptional and the question of why had i never thought that this was a form of propaganda, why had i not thought to question where was this concept coming from and what was the job that it was doing for individual americans and i think that, you know, one thing that i was realizing that took a long time to realize is that the very language that we use when we talk about foreign countries has been kind of determined for us a very long