or looking for a pretext to help their how still it isn't israel, that they might put pressure on demoss. but again, it's ultimately youngest in war, and guys are the head of a boss who's the decider here. and he hasn't said yes. ok. so in your view, what remains the main sticking points on the past to deal as well. you know, the stitching point, you know, in a sort of near term sense is waiting to hear from us, whether they'll accept this deal, which apparently is acceptable to the us. it is real to the egyptian, and country mediators and so forth. but i think quite fundamentally, one thing we need to remember is that even though we talked about this deal as involving essentially a ceasefire on the one hand, the release of hostages in the pals indian prisoners on the other hand, in factories more at play here, present the problem is, and then y'all has, has promised total victory over a mos where's a modest wants to live, to fight another day and, and reconciling those 2 fundamental objectives is quite hard. so even if i cease fire agreement is reached, you know, it's tough to imagine t