speaker, members of congress, please welcome diaper donnie, manboob mussolini, captain bone spurs, generalon shitzenpants, putin's corn bucket, his flatulency, the president of the united states, donald "jelly belly" trump! >> jimmy: yeah there are there you see members of the trump family, eric, lara, don jr., jared, ivanka, even melania. democrats weren't the only people who hate him there. [ laughter ] trump went into the speech with a negative approval rating, which is rare for a new president. according to a new poll from cnn, 52% of americans do not prove of the way trump is handling his job as president. the other 48% responded in russian, so we don't know exactly. [ laughter ] it is kind of -- i don't know if you saw this. kind of a funny poll. 90% of democrats disapprove of trump. 90% of republicans approve. first of all, who are these crazy 10% of democrats who approve of what he's doing? and who are these crazy 90% of republicans who approve of what he's doing? [ laughter ] why is this happening to us again? it's like we remarried an ex-husband, now we're like, oh, right. he che