dr. randy sam brain from ramapo college, a senior consultant. one of the first things i said what do i need, what should i have. >> he said i need to be like anal, check, articulate, check, a people person. the biggest thing though that you need obviously are campaign funds. >> the democrats he has a problem with the hillary that is taking place right now. she is considered the front runner that will inevitably getting the nomination. you'll be running against someone that has a huge network and who will raise a lot of money. >> i asked him where do i start racing funds. >> you have to sit down were you roll adecks, with your e-mail accounts and contact everyone by telephone and let them know why you're running for president. here's why you would be a good president for the country and ask them for their support and ask them to set up fundraisers in the area. >> i also said what is the key to any campaign. >> get people on board who have access to the wall street types the cfos, the small business owners so they can give you that pool of money t