our magnificent screen and el eda boards matches any stadium in baseball and the sequencing, the way we do things i think is as good as you can get in terms of game presentation. we have this silly president's race that you all know about, which still is -- [applause] i can't explain exactly why. [laughter] but it's still the single most popular thing we do. people are now starting to know the fora where they know what we do in a mile of the fourth inning with the president's race. they know every night in the middle of the third we are going to salute the returning officers and soldiers coming back from various fronts. they know in the seventh inning we are going to have god bless america and other songs so at washers can get up and dance, so we have a program that makes you have a great time no matter, as i said, with the score is. we also spend an inordinate amount of time and money on the friendliness program of our ushers, and i can tell you -- i get complaints about many things. the thing i get the fewest complaints about is the ushers. i would say 99.9% of the comments i get a