after being grounded foreven eimenl, olar-p-peredplane return ar impulse" smashed e recoorhe longest, solar-red solo flight last summer, with alight from japan toaii.but overheating tteries foed e plane stop it'sempt fly around the wod.if evything goeas plaed.. the solaimlse two will contin is attempt to fly around theorld osola poweat the end of riri 3 3 we a worki on the storieright now for fox21 wst 10. 10.oplele killed toda afr a ane crhein hern corado..wherer investigatortook the wrka andusushow ng itl tata uil wknowor swers 3 plus... falies towch inde a cououhoususas a muer triales vererer wrong rn. 3 and t everythirows in ace t appare peoe can.naays scotkey y came back a few ines talr. fox21 newst 10 ptarts 3 happeninright now....