. >> my name is eugene gordon jr.vens animals plants feed upon each other psychologically, reference physical chemical interaction stimuli, food -- and proceed create this specie to maintain their existence, experiencing for their own average lifetime the phenomena the evolution to planet earth's organisms, understand alone not including atmospheric and other means of matter to smallist parcels noan to life of our universe in which we are born, where will we lead in an organism to maintain life of another dough manned psychological resolution. hysterically racist chauvinist capital currency class rank, imperialism, as social cultural unrest movement and opposition to materialism advance picturesque beautified language and fascism. witness and social culture organize obsession for the lie, defraud and super national birth right or irresponsibility of its gaming society. monopoly capitalism, imperialism, hunger concern, market sovereign hunger, racism, chauvinism, confidence, inflections, fascist fragrance of hailing po