and today our guest is a candidate of biological sciences, thereologist, scientist, evgeny mashkov. evgeny. hello. good afternoon. yeah. well, of course, you can’t really experiment on bears, it seems to me. well, and how you explain, evgeniy, the fact that many people are afraid of mice. if you meet a mouse in its natural habitat, it is better not to approach it. mice are often carriers of a large number of splinters, such as leptospirosis, salmonellosis, hemoallergic fever, and the worst thing, rabies, and when bitten - well, it can transmit this rabies virus, which is fatal, that is why the general unpleasantness towards mouse-like rodents, i understand, and it is really better to beware, but mice that people keep at home conditions, they are most often vaccinated, well, and domestic pets, well, they are often shown to veterinarians, and if mice that... come to people, they were not invited, but they came, what to do with these, these mice are synanthropic, but these are the species that choose human buildings for housing, for habitation, and well, they can live in gardens, in ga