times, we are going to see that, in the form of violence, against certain black power activists, fred hampton and mark clark in chicago. at times, it will cause black power activists to commit violence against each other. that becomes an example of an external and internal problem. at times, the rhetoric of black power in some strains and some influences made it vulnerable to and infiltrated. so, at times, the rhetoric of violence at times led to aspects of that movement crumbling. >> you spoke about the movement and mentioned major figures. i wonder if you could talk a little bit more about the way in which art, forms of art, were used by the black power movement to celebrate the foreground and general principles they represented. >> certainly. black art is going to be increasingly important as the 60's and 70's unfold. when we think about the black arts movement, the black arts movement is going to have local expressions and national expressions. we have great, new scholarships on this period. here. the scholars is when we think about the black arts movement, i would start by and theabout t